Anatomy Of The Upper Digestive System And Stomach Flashcards
Pertaining to food or nutrition
A small protrusion or process
Mouth Pharynx Alimentary canal Accessory glands Blood vessels Nerves
Skeletal muscle
Alimentary canal
Connects from esophagus to anus
Enter Canal along body
Accessory glands
Salivary glands
Endocrine glands
Exocrine glands…pancreas liver
Glandular tissue
Blood vessels
Hepatic blood circulation
Providing oxygen to organs
Controls effector tissues Smooth muscle/skeletal muscle/ glands Walls of alimentary canal Esophagus and anus: skeletal In between: both
Factors involving digestion
Physical: chewing grasping mixing
Chemical: hcl Naco2
Biological: hormones and enzymes and microbes
Anatomy of upper digestive system: boundaries
Dorsal: hard and soft pellet
Cadual: entering pharynx
Ventral: soft tissue…floor of mouth
Lateral/cranial: teeth
Anatomy of upper digestive system: vestibule
In front of teeth and lips between teeth and cheeks…in front of cranial boundary
Temporary storage, protects mouth cavity proper
Anatomy of upper digestive system: lips
Must have muscle tissue
Most flexible: horses
Least flexible: pigs
Anatomy of upper digestive system: hard palate
Non-secreting mucous membrane
Lampers: inflammation of raphe
Anatomy of upper digestive system: tongue composition
Smooth and skeletal muscle
Anatomy of upper digestive system: tongue divisions
Tip: loose part (grasping) cranial
Body: tip to middle (frenulum)
Root: most stable (swallowing) caudal