Anatomy And Physiology Of Muscle Flashcards
Overdevelopment of tissue or an organ that results in a larger mass of tissue or a larger organ, and involves more than the usual number of cells
Increase in size of tissue or an organ due to the increase in the size of the cells
The wasting of muscle or other organ tissues due to disease, lack of use,malnutrition, or poor circulation
Muscular System-Functions
Lining certain blood vessels
45-50% body weight is tendons and muscles
Support, digestion, muscle contraction
Muscular Systems- Common Quality
Can shorten in length
Fibers don’t stretch
Major types of Muscular Systems
Skeletal Muscle- order of structure
Muscle Fibril…proteins,basic muscle cells, composed of sacromeres
Muscle fibers…outer covering is called sacrolemma…made up muscle fibrils
Muscle Bundle…grouping of muscle fibers
Muscle…group of muscle bundles, 600 muscles in body “seran wrapped”
Fiber Types
Red or dark (slow twitch)
White or pale (fast twitch)
Intermediate (combination of both)
Muscle Attachment-Fascia
A sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscles
Ugh fascia that surrounds the entire muscle
The fascia that surrounds the muscle bundles
The fascia that surrounds the individual muscle fibers
Helps form tendon
A narrow band of connective tissue that attaches muscle to the bone
Muscle tone, balanced muscle tension
Methods of classification
Name Location Origin Insertion Action Structure Relationships Blood supply Nerve supply