Anatomy Flashcards
Loss of forearm pronation
Median n.
CN 1 exits skull via
Cribiform plate
CN 2 exits skull via
optic canal
CN 3 exits skull via
Superior orbital fissure
CN 4 exits skull via
Superior orbital fissure
CN 5-1 exits skull via
Superior orbital fissure
CN 5-2 exits skull via
Foramen Rotundum
CN 5-3 exits skull via
Foramen ovale
CN 6 exits skull via
Superior orbital fissure
CN 7 exits skull via
Internal acoustic meatus
CN 8 exits skull via
Internal acoustic meatus
CN 9 exits skull via
Jugular foramen
CN 10 exits skull via
Jugular foramen
CN 11 exits skull via
Jugular foramen
CN 12 exits skull via
Hypoglossal canal
Occlusion of what a. may result in CN12 lesion
ASA infarct
Occlusion of what a. may result in CN9-11 lesion
PICA infarct
CN12 lesion, the tongue deviates
toward the lesion
CN10 lesion, the uvula deviates
away from the lesion
Light shone into the Left eye–> neither pupil constricts
Light shone into the Right eye –> both pupils constrict
Afferent pupillary defect –> CN2 lesion
Light shone into the Left eye–> Left pupil doesn’t constrict
Light shone into the Right eye –> Left pupil doesn’t constrict
Efferent pupillary defect –> CN3 lesion
What a. is occluded in homonymous hemianopsia w/ macular sparing?
Boundaries of the femoral triangle
Adductor longus, Sartorius, & inguinal ligament
Carpal bones (proximal L -> M, distal L -> M)
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform,
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Contents of carpal tunnel
4 flexor digitorum profundus tendons
4 flexor digitorum superficialis tendons
Flexor pollicis longus tendon
Median n.
Colles fracture
“Fall on an outstretched hand”
Fx of the distal radius -> posterior displacement of the distal fragment
A. injured in a surgical neck of the humerus Fracture
posterior circumflex a.
A. injured in a supracondylar fracture of the humerus
brachial a.
A. injured in a midshaft fracture of the humerus
Profunda brachii a.
Closure of the PDA results in what adult structure?
Ligamentum arteriosum
What a. is derived from the 1st aortic arch?
part of the maxillary a.
What a. is derived from the 2nd aortic arch?
stapedial a.
What a. is derived from the 3rd aortic arch?
common carotid & proximal internal carotid aa
What a. is derived from the 4th aortic arch?
aortic arch & subclavian
What a. is derived from the 6th aortic arch?
Pulmonary aa. & ductus arteriosus
Motor innervation to the tongue?
CN 12
Sensory innervation to the ant 2/3 of the tongue?
Lingual n. (CN 5-3)
Taste to the ant 2/3 of the tongue
CN 7
Sensory & taste to the post 1/3 of the tongue
CN 9
The maxillary sinuses drain into the nasal
middle meatus - Hiatus Semilunaris
Unhappy Triad
ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
Bifid ureters is d/t abnormal
division of the ureteric bud (early = distal)
What v. allows blood to enter the vena cave when cirrhosis causes obstruction of the portal v.
Azygos & Hemiazygous vv. (esophageal plexus) Superior rectal v. (Middle & Inf rectal v.) Paraumbilical v. (Epigastric v.)
Mesonephric duct gives rise to what adult structure
Wolffian duct (testes)
Metencephalon gives rise to what adult structures?
Cerebellum & Pons
Epiploic foramen contains
Hepatic a., Portal v., common bile duct
Sensory innervation to the scrotum & medial thigh is provided by
Ilioinguinal n.
Urogenital folds give rise to
ventral penis (urethra) Labia minora
What nerve would be injured in a lateral blow to the knee resulting in foot drop & inability to dorsiflex & evert foot?
Common Fibular n.
What nerve injury would result in inability to dorsiflex the foot + loss of sensation b/w toes 1-2
Deep Fibular n.
Ligament torn in a everted ankle sprain
An infant w/ TA must also have what cardiac abnormality?
Double aortic arch results from what embryologic abnormality?
persistence of the right dorsal a. from the 7th intersegmental a.
Palatine tonsils are derived form
2nd pharyngeal pouch
What vessel is ligated during a hysterectomy & what structure may be inadvertently damaged?
Uterine a.; Ureter
HA + vomiting + loss of upper gaze + upper part of sclera is visible above the downward-looking iris?
Tumor in the pineal gland area
The splenic a. runs through the
Splenorenal ligament
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
- relation to inf. epigastric a.
- passage via
Lateral to inf. epigastric a.
Enters deep inguinal canal & exits through superior inguinal canal
Enters into scrotum (parietal peritoneum)
d/t patent processus vaginalis
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Through hesselbachs triangle (medial to inf. epigastric a.)
Transversalis fascia
Rarely enter scrotum
Hesselbach’s triangle
Inferior epigastric a.
Inguinal ligament
Rectus abdominus
Pain in the anatomical snuffbox ->
scaphoid fracture
What is a potential complication with scaphoid fracture?
decreased blood supply from radial a. –>
avascular necrosis
Weak wrist extension + intact arm sensation
Radial n. injury at head of radius