Alimentary Disease Flashcards
What complaints warrant an Oral examination?
- Losing weight
- Not eating
- Salivating, chewing, nasal discharge (milk?)
- Obvious swellings
- Bad Breath
- Infectious Diseases
How are cattle aged? Why?
- Regulatory needs (Brucella Vaccine)
- Young/yearling development
- Sales/auctions
What causes Actinobacillosis or “wooden tongue”? How?
Actinobacillis ligniersii
- Gram neg, normal flora of mouth
- Causes a granulomatous abscess
- Enters soft tissue via wound:
- tongue
- lymph nodes
- cheek
- nose
How is Actinobacillosis diagnosed?
- Clinical signs
- hypersalivation
- poor ability to prehend feed
- Histopathology
- Gram negative rods
- “sulfur granules” in pus
What is the treatment of Actinobacillosis?
- Sodium Iodide 20% solution 70mg/kg IV
- about 20-25ml/100lb BW
- Often repeated at 7-10 days
What are the side effects of Sodium Iodide?
- Lacrimation
- Dandruff
- Cough
- Fever
- Nasal Discharge
What causes an inability to retract the tongue in cattle?
- Trauma
- Oropharyngeal inflammation/infection
- Actinobacillosis
What are causes of Mandibular Swellings? How are they differentiated?
- Mandibular edema (bottle jaw)
- Actinomycosis (lumpy jaw)
- Use appearance, consistency and other systemic disease to differentiate
What causes Actinomycosis “Lumpy Jaw”? How?
Actinomyces bovis
- Gram positive branching filamentous rod
- Normal flora of mouth
- Bony tissue
- Primarily mandible (maxilla possible)
- Enters tissues via gingival/mucosal abrasion or puncture
What are the clinical signs of Actinomycosis?
- Firm, non-movable mass
- Non-painful
How is Actinomycosis diagnosed?
- Clinical signs
- hard bone expansion, possibly fistulous tracks
- Radiographs
- Histopath/Biopsy
- gram positive filamentous rods
- “sulfur granules”
What is the treatment for Actinomycosis?
- IV Sodium Iodide 7-0mg/kg 2x 7 days apart
- +/- antibiotics
- pennicillin, tetracyclines
- Reduce stemmy, coarse feed
What are the differential diagnoses for Actinomycosis?
- Abscess due to other causes (pharyngeal trauma)
- Tumor
What are the causes of pharyngeal trauma & abscess?
- Usage of balling gun, esophageal tube feeder
- Rough feed stuff
- External trauma
- Damage leads to abscess formation
What are the clinical signs of pharyngeal abscess?
- Head & neck extension
- Ptyalism
- Dysphagia, dyspnea
- Anorexia
- Regurgitation of water/feedstuffs
- Pneumonia (secondary)
- Visible mass around jaw line
How are pharyngeal abscesses diagnosed?
- Palpation (external/internal)
- Radiographs
- Ultrasound
- Endoscopy
What is the treatment for pharyngeal abscesses?
- Antibiotics (broad spectrum)
- Lance abscess and drain
- Soft green grass or mash 48hrs post lance
- Tracheotomy to breath - may be required
- Esophagotomy, Pharyngotomy to drain
- Rumenostomy to feed
What is “Choke”
- Esophageal obstruction
- Partial or complete
- Due to eating characteristics of cattle
What are the clinical signs of Choke?
- Ptyalorrhea (Ptyalism)
- Projectile “vomiting”
- Repeated swallowing action
- Head/neck extension/swinging
- Failure of oro/naso esophageal tube to pass
How is Choke diagnosed?
- Hx, Clinical signs
- Failure of tube pass
- Palpate external or internal
What is the treatment for Choke?
- Sedation - maybe
- Relieve bloat
- Use large tube
- water lavage with head down
- Proximal obstruction - grasp with fingers
- Distal Obstruction - may do rumenotomy
- depends on size of patient
What complications can arise from treatment of Choke?
- Esophageal stricture possible
- Pneumonia possible
What other disease presents similar to alimentary diseases?
What are the vesicular, papular, and erosive diseases that affect the mouths of cattle?
- Foot and Mouth
- Bovine Papular Stomatitis
- Vesicular Stomatitis
- Epizootic Hemorrhagic Diseases (EHD)/Bluetongue
- Malignant Catarrhal Fever