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aqa psychology
> aggression- evolutionary explanations > Flashcards
aggression- evolutionary explanations Flashcards
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aqa psychology
(89 decks)
social influence-conformity
social influence- obedience
social influence- resistance to social influence
social influence- minority influence
social influence and social change
memory- coding capacity and duration
memory- MSM
memory- LTM types
memory- WMM
memory- interference (explanations for forgetting)
memory- retrieval failure (explanations for forgetting)
memory- eye witness testimony: misleading information
memory- eye witness testimony: anxiety
memory- eye witness testimony: the cognitive interview
biopsychology- the nervous system
biopsychology- structure and function of neurons
biopsychology- synaptic transmission
biopsychology- endocrine system
biopsychology- localisation of function
biopsychology- hemispheric lateralisation
biopsychology- plasticity and functional recovery
biopsychology- studying the brain
biopsychology- circadian rhythms
biopsychology- infradian and ultradian rhythms
biopsychology- fight or flight
biopsychology- EZ and EP in the sleep/wake cycle
attachment- caregiver-infant interactions
attachment- Schaffers stages of attachment
attachment- role of the father
attachment- animal studies
attachment- explanations of attachment: learning theory
attachment- explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory
attachment- types of attachment
attachment- cultural variations
attachment- theory of maternal deprivation
attachment- Romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation
attachment- influence of early attachment on later relationships
relationships- evolutionary explanations
relationships- explanations for partner preference
relationships- factors affecting attraction: self-disclosure
relationships- factors affecting attraction: physical attractiveness
relationships- factors affecting attraction: filter theory
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: SET
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: equity theory
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: Rusbult's model
relationships- theories of romantic relationships: Duck's phase model
relationships- virtual relationships
relationships- parasocial relationships
approaches- origins of psychology
approaches- learning approaches: behaviourist approach
approaches- learning approaches: SLT
approaches- learning approaches: the cognitive approach
approaches- biological approach
approaches- psychodynamic approach
approaches- humanistic approach
approaches- comparison of approaches
schizophrenia- classification and diagnosis
schizophrenia- biological explanations
schizophrenia- psychological explanations
schizophrenia- biological treatments
schizophrenia- psychological treatments
schizophrenia- management of schizophrenia
schizophrenia- interactionist approach
psychopathology- definitions of abnormality: statistical infrequency
psychopathology- definitions of abnormality: deviation from social norms
research methods- case studies
research methods- content analysis and coding
research methods- experimental method
research methods- experimental designs
research methods- types of experiment
research methods- sampling
research methods- ethical issues
research methods- correlations
research methods- observational techniques
research methods- observational design
research methods- self-report techniques
research methods- self-report design
research methods- types of data
research methods- measures of central tendency and dispersion
research methods- presentation of quantitive data
research methods- mathematical content
research methods- statistical testing: the sign test
research methods- peer review
research methods- psychological research and the economy
aggression- neural and hormonal mechanisms in aggression
aggression- genetic factors
aggression- ethological explanation of aggression
aggression- evolutionary explanations