ADV INFO - Labour Party Divisions Flashcards
Who was Hugh Gaitskell
leader of the Labour party from 1955
who were the bevanites
followers of Aneurin Bevan’s policies, a policy of the old left which focused on Marxism and large public spending
Who were the left-wingers
people on the left side of the Labour Party who opposed Gaitskell and supported more government spending and left-wing policies
Who were unilateralists
people who supported one-sided action, such as one-sided nuclear disarmament
what was the CND
campaign for nuclear disarmament
What was Labour split over
the extent to which socialism should go
What were the two big factions in the Labour party
between the followers of Gaitskell and the Bevanites
Who resigned over the introduction of NHS charges
Bevan and Wilson
who became the focus of Labour dissent
Bevan, especially after his rival Hugh Gaitskell assumed the Labour leadership in 1955
when did Harold Wilson become the leader of the labour party
what was the most divisive issue for Labour
what did Bevan do in 1950s
support by Wilson, Richard Crossman and Barbara Castle, they opposed the official pro-nuclear, pro-American policy
how many MPs were seen as Bevanites
32 MPs
what had happened to Labour relations by 1952
57 labour MPs risked dismissal after ignoring the party whip on defence issues
what did Bevan do in 1954
he defied Attlee’s instructions to support proposals in the Commons for the manufacture of a hydrogen bomb