achievement motivation Flashcards
what i achievent motivation
drive to succeed-fear of failure
need to achieve
keeps on trying even when things are tough
take on compeition with enthusiasm
charcactersitics of NACH performers
welcome competion-happy to play someone equal or even slightly better then them as yes high risk of losing but there is strong incentive if win of pride and satisfaction
task persiient-will always keep trying even if fail first time
confident-need to achieve means player has belief in their own ability
need to avoid failure
player avoids risks
seeks safe and secure options
characteristics of NAF perfromers
will give up easily-wont have second go if they fail first time
dont wanna ruin self esteem by losing
if i cant do it i wont bother
do not like feedback and evaluate. if results that are going to lower their self esteem, tend to avoid looking