Accounting Principles Flashcards
Profit and Loss
shows the income and expenditure of a company and resulting profit or loss.
Balance sheet
shows what a company owns (assets) and what is owes (liabilities)
Cashflow statement
Shows the short term ability for a company to pay its debts
Capital allowances
Provide tax relief on certain items purchased for business use such as tools and plant
Inability to pay debts. Liabilities exceed assets.
Companies house
Is the body responsible for incorporating and dissolving limited companies.
Dun & Bradstreet
Is a commonly used financial / credit checking tool in the industry.
His Majesties Revenue and Customs.
Management accounts
Are separate to annual accounts as required by law. They are for internal use or for securing lending with funders.
Liquidity Ratio
Measures a company’s ability to convert assets into cash to pay liabilities.
Relevant legislation to Accounting
Late payment of commercial debts act 1998.
Late payment of commercial debts regulations 2002.
What do those acts entail (late payment of commercial debts act)
8 percent on debts not paid by agreed date.
JCT includes for 5% above Bank of England dealing rate.
Debtors are?
A company or individual who owes you or your company money.
Creditors are?
A company or individual to whom you owe money.
Need for understanding company accounts?
- To review my own company financial performance.
- To review financial strength of potential contractors.
- To assess competition.
Profitability ratios
Are the measure of a company’s ability to generate profit.
Escrow accounts are?
An account held by a third party on behalf of two parties. They may be used as project accounts.
Ways to carry out credit checks?
Credit safe report. Achilles. Construction line.
Reason for not appointing a contractor with poor credit rating?
Performance may be hindered. May restrict resources on site. Risk of contractor or supply chain insolvency.
Measures if a client insists on appointing a contractor with poor credit rating?
- Seek bond.
- Ensure tender is not front loaded.
- Ensure valuations accurately reflect completed works.
Relevant legislation - accounts
Companies Act 2006.
Regulates all private and public companies and provides guidance on accounts obligations and filing returns.