Abdominal Wall/Inguinal Flashcards
What are the superior/inferior bordered of the abdominal diaphragm?
Superior: Thoracic diaphragm
Infineon: Pelvic Rim (Linea Terminalis)
How far superiorly does the abdomen lie?
5th intercostal space
- in supine position
What are the contents of the abdomen?
- Peritoneal cavity
- GI organs: Inferior esophagus, Stomach, duodenum, intestines, appendix…
- Liver and Biliary system
- Pancreas
- Suprarenal glands
- Kidneys and superior parts of ureter
- Vessels
What are the layers around the abdomen from superficial to deep?
Skin —> Fatty superficial fascia (Camper’s) —> Membranous superficial fascia (Scarpa’s) —> Deep fascia —> External obliques —> Internal obliques —> Transverse abdominal muscle —> Endoabdominal fascia
What are the limits of the anterior abdominal wall?
Superiorly: Right/left Costal margins
Inferiorly: A Line connecting each ASIS to pubis
Laterally: Vertical line through ASIS
What is the Linea Semilunaris?
- Curved Line/groove
- Represents Lateral border of rectus abdomin
Where is the Pubic crest and Tubercle located? What attaches on it?
Bony landmark 2.5 cm laterally of pubic symphysis
Inguinal ligament
Where can the Iliac crest be palpated?
6 cm posterior or ASIS
Where is the subcostal plane?
Joins the inferior margin of 10th costal cartilages through L2/L3
Where is the transtubercular plane?
Through the Iliac Tubercles passing through L5
Where is the Transpyloric Plane?
- Midway between Xiphisternal joint and umbilicus
Where is the Transumbilical Plane?
Though umbilicus and at Levels L3-L4
Which Vertebra are associated with which abdominal plane?
SCP: L2-3
TUP: L3-4
What are the different Abdominal regions?
- Right/Left Upper Quadrant (RUQ/LUQ)
- Epigastric (EQ)
- RIGHT/Left Lumbar (RLQ/LLQ)
- Hypogastric (HQ)
- Right/left Ingunal Quadrant (RIQ/LIQ)
What are contents of RUQ?
- Liver: Right lobe
- Gallbladder
- Pyloris of Stomach
- Duodenum 1-3
- Head of Pancreas
- Right suprarenal gland/Kidney
- Right Kidney
- Right Colic flexure
- superior Ascending/Right Transverse Colon
What are contents of LUQ?
- Liver: Left Lobe
- Spleen
- Stomach
- Jejunum and Proximal Ileum
- Pancreas: Body and Tail
- Left Kidney/Suprarenal gland
- LEft Colic flexure Colon
What are contents of Right Lower Quadrant?
- Cecum
- Vermiform Appendix
- Inferior Ascending Colon
- Right ovary/Uterine Tube or Spermatic cord
- Right Ureter
- Full bladder
- Enlarged Uterus
What are contents of LLQ?
- Sigmoid Colon
- Inferior Descending Colon
- Left ovary/UterineTube or Left spermatic cord
- Left Ureter
- Full Bladder
- Enlarged Uterus
Scarpa’s Fascia is continuous inferiorly with the ________ and the _____.
Fascia Lata of the Thigh
Colle’s Fascia of perineum
The Aponeurosis of the External Obliques fold back on itself and form the _________.
Inguinal ligament (Poupart’s Ligament)
What forms from the medial part of the inguinal ligament?
Medial Inguinal Ligament reflects back horizontally forming the Lacunar ligament (Gumbernats) and then continues as the Pectineal ligament (Coopers).
What is formed just superiorly to the medial part of the inguinal ligament?
- Triangular opening —> Superficial (External) Inguinal Ring
Where doe the Cruces of the superficial inguinal ring insert?
Lateral Crus —> Pubic Tubercle
Medial Crus —> Pubic Symphysis
What are the contents of the superficial inguinal ring?
- Spermatic Cord
- Round ligament in females
- Ilioinguinal nerve (L1)