9.2 – Synovial Joints Flashcards
which type of joint is most likely to develop dysfunction due to its complexity?
what comprises the outer layer of a synovial joint capsule?
fibrous capsule
what is the function of synovial fluid?
what is the hyaline cartilage found at the end of the bones w/in a synovial joint called?
articular cartilage
within the skeletal anatomy, what supplies the effort?
muscle contraction
within a lever system, what is the resistance arm?
the portion of the lever from the fulcrum to the point of resistance
the inner layer of a joint capsule that secretes synovial fluid is called the ___ membrane
mechanical advantage is the ratio of what to what?
a lever’s output force to its input force
which are parts of a joint capsule?
synovial membrane
fibrous capsule
a lever that would produce more speed or distance (but less force) than the force exerted on it would represent which of the following?
a lever w/ mechanical advantage of less than 1.0
which class is a lever with the fulcrum located b/n the effort and resistance?
w/in a musculoskeletal lever system, what is the fulcrum?
w/in a lever system, what is the portion of the lever from the fulcrum to the point of resistance called?
resistance arm
what describes a second-class lever?
the resistance is located b/n the fulcrum and effort
what is the ratio of a lever’s output force to its input force called?
mechanical advantage
what describes a third-class lever?
the effort is located b/n the resistance and the fulcrum
if a lever’s mechanical advantage is less than 1.0, which of the following is true?
the lever produces more speed or distance (but less force) than the force exerted on it
if a lever’s mechanical advantage is less than 1.0, which of the following is true?
the lever produces more speed or distance (but less force) than the force exerted on it
what kind of synovial joint is the trapeziometacarpal joint?
saddle joint (biaxial)
what kind of synovial joint is the ulnar-humeral joint?
hinge joint (monoaxial)
what kind of synovial joint is a joint b/n carpal bones?
plane joint (biaxial)
what kind of synovial joint is a glenohumeral joint?
ball-and-socket joint (multiaxial)
what kind of synovial joint is the radioulnar joint?
pivot joint (monoaxial)
what kind of synovial joint is the metacarpophalangeal joint?
condylar joint (biaxial)
extension fo the arm at the elbow is an example of what type of lever system?
3rd class
when one is standing in anatomical position, joints are said to be in what position?
zero position
w/in the skeletal anatomy, what supplies the effort?
muscle contraction
sitting in a chair and raising one thigh is an example of what class of lever system?
a joint that is extended beyond zero position is said to be what?
the forearm acts as what type of lever when you flex your elbow?
3rd class
what is moving a body part in the frontal plane away from the midline of the body called?
the humeroulnar joint is an example of which type of synovial joint?
which movement lowers a body part vertically in the frontal plane?
when describing musculoskeletal movement from the perspective of anatomical position, joints that have not yet begun to move are said to be in the ___ position
in which movement does a bone spin on its longitudinal axis?
curling a dumbbell is an example of which action at the elbow?
a movement that turns the palm forward or upward is called
T or F:
extending a joint beyond the zero position is always an abnormal movement
(hyperextending the wrist is a normal movement although hyperextending the knee would be abnormal)
which 2 characteristics describe adduction?
a movement along the frontal plane
a movement towards the midline of the body
bending at the waist to either the left or right side is an example of which movement?
lateral flexion
which movement raises a body part vertically in the frontal plane?
which action is illustrated by twisting at the waist so the chest faces to the left?
left rotation
which describes pronation?
turning the palm downward or posteriorly
a joint that is extended beyond zero position is said to be what?
which 2 characteristics describe rotation?
a posterior movement of a bone
movement along a transverse plane
which movement is illustrated by tilting your head to the right or left of the midline in the frontal plane?
lateral flexion
reaching forward to open a door involves which action of the shoulder girdle?
which of the following describes elevation?
a bone is raised vertically
what is movement of the foot upwards, as when walking on your heels, called?
turning the head to look to the right side is an example of which movement?
right rotation
turning the sole of the foot laterally is called what?
a movement that turns the palm forward or upward is called ___
the joint that is the articulation b/n the arm and shoulder, also known as the shoulder joint is called the ___ joint
glenohumeral or
what is moving a body part posteriorly in the transverse plane called?
what are 2 characteristics of protraction?
movement along the transverse plane
an anterior movement of the bone
what is the movement of toes downward, as when jumping or stepping on a gas pedal, called?
plantar flexion
when one turns the sole of the too laterally, this movement is called ___
reaching forward to open a door involves which action of the shoulder girdle?
movement of the foot so that the toes are elevated off of the ground is called ___