10.1 – Structural and functional organization of muscles Flashcards
what are the functions of skeletal muscle?
heat production
blood sugar regulation
control of body openings and passages
the endomysium is a connective tissue sheath that wraps around which of the following?
muscle fiber
which describes a muscle fascicle?
a bundle fo muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue
what is the perimysium?
a connective tissue sheath bundling many muscle fibers into a fascicle
the perimysium contains which of the following?
blood vessels
muscle spindles
what are some functions of skeletal muscle?
heat production
joint stability
which describes the epimysium?
a connective tissue sheath surrounding an entire muscle
which describes the endomysium?
a loose connective tissue layer around each individual muscle cell
what is a fascia?
a thick sheet of connective tissue separating neighboring groups of muscles
which term refers to bundles of muscle fibers, wrapped in connective tissue, within a muscle?
which term refers to the loose connective tissue layer that surrounds skeletal muscle fascicles?
stretch receptors called muscle spindles are located w/in which connective tissue layer?
circular muscles that form rings around body openings are also called ___
the epimysium is a connective tissue sheath that wraps around which of the following?
entire muscle
the ___ surrounds muscle fibers
the ___ surrounds groups of muscles
the ___ surrounds muscle fascicles
a muscle attaches to a bone thru a tendon. This is an example of a(n) ___ attachment
which term refers to a sheet of connective tissue that separates neighboring muscles or muscle groups?
which is an example of an aponeurosis?
the broad, sheet-like tendon located beneath the scalp
unipennate (description)
all fascicles approach tendon from 1 side of the muscle
bipennate (description)
fascicles insert on the tendon from both sides
multipennate (description)
many bipinnate muscle units merge onto one tendon
which term is another word for prime mover?
muscles that form rings around body openings are described by shape as being ___ muscles
circular or
a muscle that is acting as a synergist during a joint action may do which of the following?
stabilize a joint to restrict undesirable movements of a bone
modify the direction of the movement produced by the prime mover
contract together w/ the prime mover to produce more power
which describes a sphincter?
circular muscle that forms a ring around a body opening
which term refers to a muscle that prevents a bone from moving during an action?
T or F:
a muscle described as having a direct attachment is attached to the bone via a tendon or aponeurosis
(if a tendon or aponeurosis connects a muscle to a bone, it is an INDIRECT attachment)
which term refers to a broad, sheet-like tendon?
in flexing the elbow, the prime mover is the ___
the biceps brachii helps the brachial flex the elbow. Which term best describes the role of the biceps brachii during elbow flexion?
a muscle that holds a bone steady during an action is called a(n) ___