8/26 Questions Exam 2 Flashcards
What joint classifications are identified at the vertebral body of T1?
fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis
synovial plane (diarthrosis arthrodia joint)
modified synovial saddle (diarthrosis sellar) only observed as a anatomical variation
How many joints are formed at the vertebral body of T11?
typically 10 (14 if the rib ligaments are included)
The costocentral stellate/radiate ligament will attach to which segment(s) at the C8 spinal nerve intervertebral foramen?
the vertebral body of C7 and the vertebral body of T1
The costocentral stellate/radiate ligament will attach to which segment(s) at the T1 spinal nerve intervertebral foramen?
the vertebral body of T1 and the vertebral body of T2
What are the osseous parts of the costotransverse joint?
the transverse costal facet and the articular surface of the tubercle of a rib
What ligaments support the costotransverse joint of T1?
the inferior costotransverse and lateral costotransverse ligaments
What ligament is absent at the costotransverse joint of T1?
the superior costotransverse ligament
The superior costotransverse ligament of the transverse process of T1 will attach to which rib?
the second rib
What muscles attach to the transverse process of T1?
longissimus thoracis longissimus cervicis longissimus capitis semispinalis cervicis semispinalis capitis multifidis rotator longus rotator brevis intertransversarii levator costarum brevis
What is the orientation of the superior articular facet of T1?
they face backward, upward, and lateral (BUL)
What is the orientation of the inferior articular facet of T1?
they face forward, downward, and medial (ForMeD)
How many synovial joints are present at T1?
Identify the synovial joint surfaces present at T1?
two superior costal facets two inferior costal demi-facets two transverse costal facets two superior articular facets two inferior articular facets
What muscles attach to the spinous process of T1?
trapezius rhomboid minor serratus posterior superior splenius capitis spinalis thoracis spinalis cervicis spinalis capitis semispinalis thoracis multifidis rotator longus rotator brevis interspinalis
Which muslces attach to the transverse process of T9?
longissimus thoracis semispinalis thoracis multifidis rotator longus rotator brevis intertransversarii levator costarum longus levator costarum brevis
How many synovial joints are typically present at T9?
Identify the synovial joint surfaces typically present on T9?
two superior costal demi-facets two inferior costal demi-facets two superior articular facets two inferior articular facets two transverse costal facets
How many synovial joint surfaces for ribs are typically present on T9?
Para-articular processes are more commonly observed on which segment of the spine?
What muscles attach to the transverse process of T10?
longissimus thoracis semispinalis thoracis multifidis rotator longus rotator brevis intertransversarii levator costarum longus levator costarum brevis