4_8LactationNeonatal Flashcards
What factors cause neonate hypoxia during/after delivery?
1) general anesthetics, 2) umbilical compression; 3) premature placental separation; 4) contractions that restrict blood flow
How long can a newborn go without a breath?
10 minutes
What are the bypasses present in the fetal circulation?
1) ductus venosus; 2) foramen ovale; 3) ductus arteriosus
What is the ductus venosus
liver bypass
What is the foramen ovale?
shunts RA to LA
What is the ducturs arteriousus?
shunts pulmonary artery to aorta
Why is fetal thermoregulation poor?
poor establishment of neural control; hi SA:V ratio
What does APGAR stand for?
appearance, grimace, pulse, activity, respiratory
What does APGAR measure at 1 minute?
tolerance to birth
What does APGAR measure at 5 minutes?
adapation to extra-uterine environment
What is associated with a low APGAR score?
1) c-section; 2) difficult labor; 3) fluid in airways
What APGAR score needs medical attention
less than 7
What APGAR score means healthy baby?
7 to 9
What weight loss is expected after delivery?
How long do a baby’s nutrition stores last?
glycogen = 3 hours; fats, protein = 2-3 days
What nutreitns are critical to the infant and are also found in mom’s milk?
D, C, Fe
What is cholostrum?
leukocytes and macrophages in early secretions of breast milk at the end of pregnancy for GI protection
What elements of passive immunity are passed from mom?
1) IgA, 2) lysozyme, 3) lactoferrin, 4) cholostrum
When does a baby start producing immunoglobulins?
IgA at 3 months; IgG at 6-12 months
What causes respiratory distress syndrome?
decreased pulmonary surfactant, common in premature babies
What causes patent ductus arteriosus?
ductus arteriousus fails to close
How is patent ductus arteriosus treated?
prostanoids to close
How is neonatal jaundice treated?
photooxidation to increase solubiliy; blood transfusion if severe
What are the differences between human and cow milk?
humans have more lactose; cows have more casein, albumin, ash