4.1.1 Growing economies Flashcards
Process of making the world economy more inter-dependent.
Emerging economy
An economy in the process of rapid growth and industrialisation.
Features of emerging economies
- Rapid industrialisation.
- Have potential to become developed economies.
- Foster longer-term economic growth than most developed economies.
- Many inhabitants still in poverty, though economic growth is taking many out of poverty.
Opportunities posed by emerging markets on UK businesses
+ Growing number of educated consumers = growing consumer spending.
+ Source of high skilled but low cost labour (outsourcing/offshoring).
+ Potential for joint ventures and acquisitions.
+ Demand for infrastructure and other products and services from developed economies.
Threats posed by emerging markets on UK businesses
- Increased competition - emerging markets can produce at a lower cost.
- Undervalued currencies make their exports cheaper.
- Inadequate protection of brand and other intellectual property.
Effects of growing economies on employment patterns
- Unemployment rates fall.
- Move from agriculture to modern economic activities: income rises.
- Changer in employment from primary sector to secondary/tertiary.
Effects of growing economies on trade opportunities for businesses
- Businesses set up production in emerging economies.
- Increased demand in emerging economies - higher exports into them.
- Increased foreign direct investment.
Indicators of growth
1) GDP - A measure of the size of an economy. The sum of everything a country produces.
2) Literacy - Percentage of the population of a given age group that can read and write.
3) Healthcare
4) HDI - Combines life expectancy, education and average income of population.