40. Treatment of furcation involvement Flashcards
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root complex
- Portion of root located apical to CEJ
- Divided into two parts: Root trunk and root cone
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root trunk
- Undivided region of the root
- Distance between CEJ and the furcation
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root cone
Divided region of root complex
Treatment of furcation involvement
Furcation entrance
Transition between undivided and divided part of root
Treatment of furcation involvement
Furcation fornix
Roof of furcation
Treatment of furcation involvement
Degree of seperation
Angle of seperation between the two roots
Treatment of furcation involvement
Distance between two roots(increases in apical direction)
Treatment of furcation involvement
Coefficient of seperation
Length of root cones in relation to length of root complex
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary first molar size compared to second
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary second molar size compared to third molar
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary molar roots
- 3 roots
- MB(Vertically positioned)
- Buccal
- Palatal(inclined, circular cross section)
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary molar furcation entrances
- 3 furcation entrances
- Mesial(3mm from CEJ)
- Buccal(3.5mm from CEJ)
- Distal(5mm from CEJ)
Treatment of furcation involvement
Furcation fornix inclination in maxillary molars
Treatment of furcation involvement
Degree of seperation and divergence from first to third maxillary molar
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary premolar roots
- 2 roots
- Buccal and palatal
Treatment of furcation involvement
Distance between CEJ and furcation entrance in maxillary premolars
Treatment of furcation involvement
Width of furcation entrance in maxillary molars
Treatment of furcation involvement
Roots of mandibular molars
- 2 roots
- Mesial and distal
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root trunk of mandibular first molar compared with second
Shorter root trunk
Treatment of furcation involvement
Mandibular molar lingual entrance compared with buccal
More apical to CEJ(>4mm) than buccal entrance(3mm)
Furcation classifications
- Class 0
- Class 1
- Class 2
- Class 3
Class 0 furcation
No furcation involvement
Class 1 furcation
Horizontal direction, probe travels less than 3mm
through one or two entrances
Class 2 furcation
Horizontal direction, probe travels more than 3mm
-Probe doesnt go through whole furcation
-Only in one entrane
Class 3 furcation
Horizontal, probe travels more than 3mm making through and through lesion
two or more entrances
Subclasses of furcation in class 3
- Less than 3mm in vertical direction
- 3-6mm in vertical direction
- More than 6mm in vertical direction
Treatment of furcation involvement
Probe used for assessment of furcations
- Nabers probe
- 1 for upper
- 2 for upper and lower
Treatment of furcation involvement
Nabers probe design
- Curved working end
- Circular cross section
- Blunt atraumatic tip
Treatment of furcation involvement
Nabers probe markings
2 black bands between 3-6 and 9-12mm
Treatment of furcation involvement
Areas of mandibular molars checked with nabers probe
Buccal and lingual entrances
Treatment of furcation involvement
Areas of maxillary molars checked with nabers probe
- Buccal
- DP(Located midway)
- MP(much closer to palatal)
Treatment of furcation involvement
Areas of maxillary premolars checked with nabers probe
Mesial and distal entrances
Treatment of furcation involvement
Radiographs used for assessment/comfirmation of furcation involvement
- Periapical
- Vertical bitewing
Treatment of furcation involvement
Differential diagnosis of furcation involvement
- Pulpal pathoses-originating from root canal
- Occlusal overload
Treatment of furcation involvement
Factors to consider to confirm pulpal pathosis
- Vitality of tooth tested
- If tooth vital=>plaque associated lesion supected
- If tooth non vital=>furcation involvement w/ endodontic origin
Treatment of furcation involvement
Factors to consider to confirm occlusal overload
- Increased mobility
- Probing fails to detect furcation
Treatment of furcation involvement
Treatment of F1
- Scaling and root planing=>
- Furcation plasty
Treatment of furcation involvement
Treatment of F2
- Furcation plasty
- Tunnel preparation
- Root resection
- Tooth extraction
- GTR for mandibular molars
Treatment of furcation involvement
Furcation plasty
- Elimination of interradicular defect
- Tooth substance removed(odontoplasty)
- Alveolar crest remodelled at level of furcation entrance(osteoplasty)
- Mainly at buccal and lingual furcations
Treatment of furcation involvement
Furcation plasty procedure
- Incision and flap retraction to access interradicular area and surrounding bone
- Removal of inflammatory soft tissue=>scaling and root planning exposed root surfaces
- Removal of crown and root substance in furcation area
- Recontouring of alveolar bone crest
- Positioning and suturing of mucosal flaps at level of alveolar crest=>cover fucation entrance w/ soft tissue
Treatment of furcation involvement
Reason for Removal of crown and root substance in furcation area
- Reduces horizontal component of defect
- Widens furcation entrance
Treatment of furcation involvement
Reason for recontouring of alveolar bone crest during furcation plasty
Reduces BL dimension of bone defect in furcation area
Treatment of furcation involvement
Tunnel preparation
- Resective therapy
- F2 and F3 in mandibular molars(short root trunk, wide seperation angle, long divergence between mesial and distal roots)
Treatment of furcation involvement
Tunnel preperation procedure
- Incision and flap
- Granulation tissue removed
- Root scaling and planing
- Furcation area widened-removal of interradicular bone
- Alveolar bone crest recontoured
- Flaps sutured apically
- Topical CHX
Treatment of furcation involvement
Reason for widening of furcation area by removal of interradicular bone in tunnel preparation
Allows access for cleaning devices to be inserted during plaque control
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root seperation
Sectioning of root complex and maintenaince of all roots
Treatment of furcation involvement
Root resection
Sectioning and removal of one or two roots of multi-rooted tooth
Treatment of furcation involvement
Factors to consider for root seperation and resection
- Length of the root trunk(shorter the better)
- Divergence
- Fusion between root cones
- Remaining support around individual roots
- Length and shape of root cones
- stability of indivudual roots
- Access for oral hygiene devices
Treatment of furcation involvement
Maxillary molar treatment with RSR
- DB root often removed
- MB root preferred for retention
Treatment of furcation involvement
Treatment of F2 and F3 in maxillary first premolar
Treatment of furcation involvement
Treatment options of mandibular molars with RSR
- Seperate the two roots but maintain them both(premolarisation)
- Seprate and extract mesial root
- Seperate and extract distal root
Treatment of furcation involvement
Reason for seperation and extraction of mesial root of mandibular molars during RSR
- Greater surface area but ourglass shaped cross section=>
- Difficult to clean
Treatment of furcation involvement
Treatment sequence in RSR
- Endo treatment
- Provisional restoration
- Periodontal surgery
- Final prosthetic restoration
Treatment of furcation involvement
Criteria for extraction
- Root cant be maintained=>extensive attachment loss
- Anatomy wont allow proper self performed plaque control
- Poor prognosis=>endo or caries lesions