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> 28. Treatment plan for a patient with periodontal disease > Flashcards
28. Treatment plan for a patient with periodontal disease Flashcards
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(62 decks)
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Plaque Induced Gingivitis
1. Clinical morphology of the periodontium
2. Mucosa around teeth
3.Peri-implant mucosa
4. Clinical bone morphology
5. Fundamentals of implantology-classifications, terminology
6. implant tissue interface. Osseointegration
7. Periodontal proprioception and osteoperception
8. Epidemiology of periodontal disease
9. Oral biofilms and calculus
10. Periodontal infection
11. Peri-implant infection
12. Pathogenesis of periodontitis
13. Modifying factors of periodontitis
14.Occlusal trauma and periodontal disease
15. Non plaque induced inflammatory gingival diseases
16. Plaque induced gingival diseases-plaque induced gingivitis, plaque retentive
17. Plaque induced gingival diseases, modulated by sex hormones
19. Plaque induced gingival diseases, modified by systemic medication
20. Periodontitis- classification of periodontal diseases
21. Necrotising periodontal disease
22. Periodontal abcesses
23.Biological complications in implantology, peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
24.Examination of a patient with periodontal disease
25. X-ray examination methods in patient with periodontal disease
26. Examination and preparation of candidates for implant treatment
27. Examination of patients with implant treatment
28. Treatment plan for a patient with periodontal disease
29. Diagnosis and prognosis
30.Treatment sequence
31. Systemic phase
32. Hygienic phase
Mechanical control of the supragingival plaque.
Chemical control of supragingival plaque
35. Non-surgical therapy - manual and machine tools
36. Non-surgical therapy - technique of instrumentation in debridement.
37. Non-surgical therapy
38. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty
Surgical methods of access - ENAP, apically displaced flap, modified technique according to Widman – Ramfjord
40. Treatment of furcation involvement
41.Endodontic -Periodontal lesions
42.Treatment of peri-implantitis. Re osseointergration
43.Antibiotics in periodontal therapy
44. Regenerative therapy.Guided tissue regeneration
46. Guided tissue regeneration - methods and techniques.
47. Regenerative therapy using enamel matrix proteins.
48. Mucogingival therapy and plastic periodontal surgery - methods for gingival augmentation.
49. Mucogingival therapy and plastic periodontal surgery - methods for root coverage.
50. Surgical treatment of abnormal frenulum and gingival-buccal ligaments
51. Implant surgery.
52. Types of implantation.
53. Implantation in case of insufficient bone volume
54. Implantation in the subantral bone
55. Soft tissue aesthetics and augmentation in implantology.
56. Complications in implantology
57. Supportive periodontal therapy.
58. Stabilization of teeth with damaged periodontium.
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