378 Thyroid Nodular Disease and Thyroid Cancer Flashcards
Most common cause of diffuse goiter (H20 C378 P2710)
Iodine deficiency
Diffuse goiter is termed endemic goiter in iodine-deficient areas, defined as iodine deficiency in __% of the population (H20 C378 P2710)
> 5%
On ultrasound, thyroid volume exceeding this value is considered abnormal (H20 C378 P2711)
30 mL
In MNG, tracheal deviation is common, but compression must usually exceed __% of the tracheal diameter before there is significant airway compromise. (H20 C378 P2711)
Most sensitive sonographic feature associated with thyroid cancer (H20 C378 P2712)
Solid consistency
Most specific sonographic feature associated with thyroid cancer (H20 C378 P2712)
Marked hypoechogenicity
Treatment of subclinical thyrotoxicosis is increasingly recommended in the elderly to prevent these outcomes [2] (H20 C378 P2711)
Atrial fibrillation, bone loss
Generally the treatment of choice for toxic MNG (H20 C378 P2712)
Provides definitive treatment of toxic MNG (H20 C378 P2712)
Definitive diagnostic test for toxic adenoma (H20 C378 P2713)
Thyroid scan
Treatment of choice of toxic adenoma (H20 C378 P2713)
Radioiodine ablation
If benign thyroid nodules have not decreased in size after this duration, LT4 therapy should be discontinued (H20 C378 P2714)
6-12 months
Revised AJCC guidelines revised the age cutoff for thyroid cancer to (H20 C378 P2714)
<55 years
Activation of this pathway is seen in up to 70% of PTCs (H20 C378 P2715)
RET-RAS-BRAF signaling pathways
Most common genetic alteration in papillary thyroid cancer (H20 C378 P2715)
BRAF V600E mutation