104 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Flashcards
This specific subtype of NHL has a striking geographic occurrence, being most frequent in South Asia and parts of Latin America (H20 C104 P770)
Angiocentric nasal T/NK cell lymphoma
Lymphoid malignancy associated with HTLV-1 infection (H20 C104 P771)
Adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma
Lymphoid malignancy associated with HCV infection (H20 C104 P771)
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
Infectious agent associated with Burkitt lymphoma, post–organ transplant lymphoma, primary CNS diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and nasal type extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma (H20 C104 P771)
Epstein-Barr virus
Infectious agent associated with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma (H20 C104 P771)
Infectious agent associated with gastric MALT lymphoma (H20 C104 P771)
Helicobacter pylori
Infectious agent associated with MALT lymphoma of the skin (H20 C104 P771)
Borrelia sp.
Infectious agent associated with MALT lymphoma of the conjunctiva (H20 C104 P777)
Chlamydophila psittaci
Infectious agent associated with small intestine MALT lymphoma (H20 C104 P771)
Campylobacter jejuni
Infectious agent associated with primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman disease (H20 C104 P771)
Human herpesvirus 8
Type of NHL that is most frequently associated with immunosuppresion and autoimmune disease (H20 C104 P771)
The master B lineage transciption factor (H20 C104 P771)
T-cell master regulatory transciption factor (H20 C104 P771)
Imaging test of choice in assessing lymphadenopathy for aggressive lymphomas (H20 C104 P773)
End-of-treatment FDG PET should preferably be done how many weeks after chemotherapy (H20 C104 P773)
6-8 weeks
End-of-treatment FDG PET should preferably be done how many weeks after radiation or radiochemotherapy (H20 C104 P773)
8-12 weeks
Best predictor of outcome for NHL (H20 C104 P774)
International Prognostic Index
Independent prognostic variable that is included in follicular lymphoma prognostic index but is not included in the IPI (H20 C104 P774)
Hemoglobin <12
Second most common NHL and most common indolent NHL (H20 C104 P774)
Follicular lymphoma
All of the intensive combination chemotherapy regimens for Burkitt’s lymphoma involve this drug (H20 C104 P775)
Most common histologic subtype of NHL (H20 C104 P775)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Standard first-line chemotherapy for DLBCL (H20 C104 P775)
New agent for relapsed DLBCL, particularly in the ABC cell of origin (H20 C104 P776)
Treatment for relapsed/refractory DLBCL following two prior systemic therapies (H20 C104 P776)
Anti-CD19 CAR-T cells
> 85% of patients with FL will harbor t(14;18) and overexpress this protein: (H20 C104 P776)
No. of centroblasts in grade II FL (H20 C104 P776)
6-15 centroblasts/hpf
This grade of FL is an aggressive disease and is treated like DLBCL (H20 C104 P776-7)
Grade IIIb FL
Best predictor of outcome in FL (H20 C104 P776)
Standard of care for the first line therapy of medium to high volume follicular lymphoma (H20 C104 P777)
Bendamustine + Rituximab (BR)
This treatment for FL is associated with considerable treatment-related morbidity so is usually reserved for patients with multiply relapsed FL that is no longer responsive to chemotherapy. (H20 C104 P777)
Allogeneic HSCT
Rate of transformation of FL to DLBCL (H20 C104 P777)
~3% per year
Aside from rituximab, this treatment for splenic MZL is reasonable for selected patients with excellent relief of symptoms and cytopenias (H20 C104 P777)
Most common cytogenetic abnormality in MALT lymphoma (H20 C104 P777)
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma with high levels of circulating IgM paraproteins (H20 C104 P777)
Waldenstrom macrogobulinemia
Variant of mantle cell lymphoma that is more indolent (H20 C104 P778)
SOX11 variant
Variant of mantle cell lymphoma that is associated with a poor prognosis (H20 C104 P778)
Blastic variant
Pathognomonic cytogenetic findings in mantle cell lymphoma (H20 C104 P778)
Mycoisi fungoides associated with generalized erythroderma and circulating tumor cells (H20 C104 P778)
Sézary syndrome
Histologic finding in anaplastic large cell lymphoma (H20 C104 P779)
Hallmark cells
Conjugated anti-CD30 antibody to monomethly aurostatin E used to treat ALCL patients with chemosensitive disease or for ALK-negative disease (H20 C104 P779)
This type of lymphoma can be prevented with a gluten-free diet (H20 C104 P779)
Type I enteropathy-type intestinal T-cell lymphoma
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is more prevalent in these regions [2] of the world (H20 C104 P779)
Japan, Caribbean basin
Most common vairant of ATLL (H20 C104 P779)
Acute variant
Pathognomonic histologic finding in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (H20 C104 P779)
Flower cell