3.5.1 Calcium Metabolism Flashcards
What is the clinical process of managing hypercalcemia?

What is the role of calcium?
Co-factor for enzymatic processes/ ion for cellular function
What is the IMAGING study for osteoporosis?

What is the activation of Vitamin D pathway?

40 year old woman appears in clinic with the following labs. What is the cause?

What are the characteristics of citrate?

What is the managment of severe hypercalcemia?
Volume expansion with isotonic saline
Administer calcitonin
Administer IV bisphosphonate
What is the mechanism of bisphosphonates?
Bisphosphonate therapy targets the osteoclast, the cell that is the initiator of bone resorption. During bone resorption, osteoclasts take up the bisphosphonate. The bisphosphonate inhibits an enzyme within osteoclasts; this inhibition ultimately leads osteoclast inactivation and decreased bone resorption.

Fill in this chart

What are the characteristics of Denosumab?

How would you interpret a BMD?

What is the long term management of hypocalcemia?

40 year old female who was found to have elevated calcium on lab. Also has normal albumin. What is the cause?

Primary Hyperparathyroidism
What is osteoporosis?

What are the characteristics of Teriparatide?

40 year old woman presents with the following labs. What is the diagnosis?

Possible malignancy

What is the etiology of primary hyperparathyroidism?

What are the characteristics of PTH?

What is the most likely cause of his hypocalcemia?

What are some of the lifestyle choices to promote good bone health.

What is the management of mild hypercalcemia?
No immediate treatment
What are the characteristics of post-surgical hypocalcemia?

Compare age and bone mass.

25 year old has surgery to remove thyroid. 24 hrs post-op she is noting to have perioral numbness and hand cramping. What is the likely cause?
Hypocalcemia from post-surgical hypoparathyroidism.
Describe the relationship between PTH and Ca2+?

What are the characteristics of Paget’s Disease?

What is the difference between primary and secondary osteoporosis?
Primary - unrelated to chronic illness; Related to aging and decreased gonadal function.
Secondary - Secondary to chronic illness/meds that cause accelerated bone loss; glucocorticoid use, hyperthyroidism
What are the characteristics of osteomalacia?

What are some of the pharamacologic treatments of low bone mass?

Describe the different calcium supplements?

Desribe the action of PTH on various organs in the body

What are some of the symptoms of hypocalcemia?
In our patients with hypocalcemia, we are going to hear about or elicit symptoms of neuomuscular irritability:
Peri-oral paraesthesias
Muscle twitching
Carpopedal spasms
23 year old was in car wreck. She receive massive transfusion of blood products. She was noted to have tetany. What is the cause of her tetany?
Citrate in the blood products binding calcium resulting in a low ionized calcium concentration.
Describe the acute management of Hypocalcemia?

Compare osteomalacia and Rickets.

What are the symptoms of hypercalcemia?
Patients with hypercalcemia may be asymptomatic with the finding picked up on routine lab. However, with significant elevation of calcium levels, we can see renal / skeletal / gastrointestinal / neuropsychiatric complications.
What are the characteristics of Vitamin D Action?