2.2.2 Joints of Lower Limb Flashcards
What are the covered parts?

What are these movements?

Left - internal rotation of femur
Right - external rotation of femur
What going from a sitting position and rising - eg extension of knee joint on fixed tibia. What is the path of knee?

When straightening your leg, extension of knee joint on fixed femur, what is the pathway the knee takes?

What is the deep bony socket in which the head of the femur sits in?
What are the covered parts?

Does the shaft of the femur sit completely vertical?

How does the Q angle vary between men and women?
The Q angle tends to be greater in women due to women tending to have larger pelvis’

What is important about these lines?

Bone density tends to be greatest along these lines of gravitational load
What are these two ligaments?

Red - sacrospinous ligament
Green - sacrotuberus ligament
What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What is the most common hip injury in elderly?
Fracture of femoral neck is most common hip injury in the elderly due largely to osteoporosis. In such cases the retinacular blood vessels of the femoral neck are highly susceptible to injury
What is the Trandelenburg Sign?
Depicts weakness in hip abductors that result in a pathologival hip-drop gait
In the erect posture the line of gravity passes through the hip joint but?
In front of the knee and ankle joint
Thus the hip joint lies in front of the knee joint when standing
What are the covered parts?

What bone in the leg receives the weight of the upper body?
The tibia alone
What are the covered parts?

Why does the lateral condyle of the femur reach further anteriorly?
This helps to prevent dislocation of the patella laterally
What are the major mechanisms used to stabilize the knee joint?
The first line of defense is deep investing fascia. Major thickenings extend from thigh across the knee to anchor into crural fascia
What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the two joints in this image?

Left - ACL
Right - PCL
The cruciate ligaments are meant to resist?
forward or backward displacement of the femur off of a fixed tibia
Poorly designed to resist sideways blows
Describe the axis of which the femur rotates on the tibia.

What happens to the ligaments that attach the knee at a flexed vs extended position? Why is this?
An extended leg - the collateral ligaments are tighter and more stable

The collateral ligaments limit rotation of the knee joint to some extent. However in a _____ knee the collateral ligaments are ____ and unable to protect the knee.
Flexed; Looser
What is this muscle?

In a knee bent position the popliteus is markedly active and is assisting which cruciate ligament?
What is the important artery that supplies the head of the gastrocnemius?
The Sural arteries
The ankle joint allows for what movement?
ONLY flexion/extension
These shaded areas are covered by?

Hyaline cartilage
What is a commonly overlooked stabilizer of the ankle joint?

What are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What are the characteristics of an ankle sprain and ankle fracture?