1.5.1 Joints of the Upper Extremity Flashcards
What are the three types of joints by formation?
Fibrous joint
Cartilaginous joint
Synovial joint
What are the three joints of the pectoral girdle?
Sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and glenohumeral
Describe the location of the Sternoclavicular joint.
The sternal end of the clavicle with the manubrium of the sternum and the 1st costal cartilage
The SC joint in divided into two compartments by an _______ which is fixed to the fibrous articular capsule and the ______.
Articular disc; interclavicular ligament

What are the ligaments of the SC joint?
Interclavicular ligament and costoclavicular ligament
What is more common, an SC joint dislocation or clavicle fracture?
Clavicular fracture

What is the blood supply to the SC joint?
Internal thoracic and suprascapular arteries
What is the nerve innervation of the SC joint?
Medial supraclavicular (C3 and C4)

Describe dislocation and ankylosis?

What are the ligaments of the AC joint?
AC ligament
Coracoclavicular ligament - Conoid ligament and trapezoid ligament
What is the purpose of the coracoclavicular ligament?
The coracoclavicular ligament not only strengthens AC joint, but also suspends scapula from clavicle and strengthen the coracoid process from downward force of muscle attachments.
Describe the movement of the scapula

What is the blood supply to the AC joint?
Suprascapular and thoracoacromial arteries
What is the Nerve supply to the AC joint?

What is a should separation vs a shoulder dislocation?
Shoulder separation - AC joint dislocation plus coracoclavicular ligament is broken
Shoulder dislocation - humeral head dislocated from the glenoid cavity
Describe an AC Joint Dislocation (shoulder separation)

KEY INFORMATION: Describe the AC Joint Isolation. Mainly Tossy Classification.

What are the basic characterisitics of the glenohumeral joint?

The glenoid cavity is deepened by the ______ which is ______.
Glenoid labrum; ring like fibrocartilaginous structure
What are the muscles that keep the humeral head in the glenoid cavity?
teres minor

In regards to the glenohumeral joint, how do the medial, lateral and superior aspects of the joints compare to the inferior?

The articular capsule of the glenohumeral joint have two openings, what are they and what are they used for?

What is the role of the transverse humeral ligament?
Runs from the greater tubercle to the lesser tubercle of the humerus bridging over the synovial sheath for the tendon of the bicep.
What are the major shoulder flexors?
Pectoralis major, deltoid, coracobrachialis and bicep
What are the major shoulder extensors?
Latissimus dorsi and deltoid
What are the major shoulder abductors?
Supraspinatus for 1st 15 degrees
Then it is the deltoid muscle
What are the major shoulder adductors?
Pectoralis major, lat dorsi, and rotator cuff muscles
What are the major shoulder medial rotators?
Subscapularis, teres major and lat dorsi
What are the major shoulder later rotators?
Infraspinatus and teres minor
What are the muscles that hold the head of the humerus to glenoid cavity?
Rotator cuff muscles
What are the muscles that resist downward dislocation of the shoulder joint?
Coracobrachialis, bicep, long head of tricep, and deltoid
What is the nerve supply of the glenohumeral joint?
Lateral pectoral nerve
What is the role of the subscapular bursa?
Sits between the tendon of the subscapularis and the neck of the scapula, protect tendon and communicate with the glenohumeral joint cavity
Describe rotator cuff injuries?

What is calcific supraspinatus tendonitis?

What is adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint?

What is a shoulder dislocation?

What are the ligaments of the elbow joint?

What are the chief flexors of the elbow joint?
Brachialis, bicep brachii and brachioradialis
What is the chief extensor of the elbow joint?
Tricep brachii
What is the blood supply to the elbow joint?
Arterial anastomoses around the elbow
What are the important bursa around the elbow joint?

What is bursitis of the elbow?
Subcutaneous olecarnon bursitis is most common due to location of repeated pressure of friction.

What is an elbow dislocation?

What are the general characteristics of the proximal radioulnar joint?

What is the ligament of the proximal radioulnar joint?
Anular ligament

What are the major muscles moving the radioulnar joint in supination?
Supinator and the biceps
What are the major muscles involved in pronation of the radioulnar joint?
Pronator quadratus and pronator teres
What is the blood supply to the proximal radioulnar joint?
Anterior and posterior interosseous arteries
What is the proximal radioulnar joint nerve supply?
Musculocutaneous (supination)
Median (pronation)
Radial (supination)
Describe subluxation and dislocation of the radial head

Describe the general characteristics of the distal radioulnar joint

The articular capsule of the distal radioulnar joint form what?

Describe the movement of the distal radioulnar joint

What is the blood supply and nerve supply to the distal radioulnar joint?
Anterior and posterior interosseous arteries and nerves
What are the ligaments of the wrist joint?

What are the chief flexors of the wrist joint?
Flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris
What are the chirf entendors of the wrist joint?
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris
What is the chief abductor of the wrist joint?
Flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis and abductor pollicis pollicis longus.
What is the chief adductor in the wrist?
Flexor and extensor carpi ulnaris
Describe some of the common wrist injuries?

Describe the articulation, articular capsule and ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints?

What is the nerve supply for the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints?
Median and ulnar nerves
Describe the innervation of the hand.

What are some common sprains, strains and dislocations of the hand?

What is mallet finger?

What is a jersey finger?

What is the boutonniere deformity?