3.2.1 Soft Tissue Pathology II Flashcards
Regardless of subtype, 95% of karposi sarcoma patients have been infected with what?
HHV-8, also known as KSHV
Same retroperitoneal mass. The bottom image is the mass cut open. What is the dianosis?


B. Breast cancer with radiation

This histo is from the uterus. What is the condition?

Histology: vascular channels lined with plump anaplastic endothelial cells.

Where are hemangiomas most commonly found?
superficial lesions (head, neck)
Internally (liver)

In which gender are leiomyosarcomas more common?
What is the black arrow pointing to? What is the red box showing?

Black arrow: leiomyoma
Red box: endometrial cavity compresseed by leiomyoma
What is unique about the histology of synovial sarcoma?
Biphasic tumor w/ both epithelial and mesenchymal components
(even if the tumor may are monophasic - staining will show positivity for both epithelial and mesenchymal components)
What is the term for capillary hemangioma that is found on the skin of newborns? (extremly common)
Name this tumor

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
What genetic abnormality is associated with synovial sarcoma?
chromosomal translocation (x;18)
Does having HHV-8 mean that a patient will automatically get Karposi Sarcoma?
No, HHV-8 is required for KS development, but tumor progression also requires a cofactor (like HIV)
Histology: vascular channels lined w/ plump anaplastic endothelial cells.
What type of tumor?

What are some common sites for angiosarcoma? and possible predisposing factors for that site?
Soft tissue
Breast: previous radiation therapy
Liver: arsenic, thorotrast, polyvinyl chloride
What age group is most commonly affected by angiosarcoma?
older adults

Id the type of hemangioma

A and B: capillary hemangioma
C: Cavernous hemangioma
D: pyogenic granuloma
Karposi sarcoma is what type of sarcoma?
Vascular sarcoma
What type of tumor?

Synovial sarcoma
What are some of the histologic features of leiomyoma?
Intersecting spindle cells w/ blunt-ended elongated nuclei, minimal atypia, few mitosis

What are the three histologic stages of karposi sarcoma?
Patches, plaques, nodules

What type of vascular tumor? Where is it commonly found?

Cavernous hemangioma; larger, more frequently found in deep structures (liver)
What type of vascular tumor?
(exophytic nodule, skin, giingiva or oral mucosa, often ulcerated with extensive inflammation)

Pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma)
What is the diagnosis?

Kaposi sarcoma (pt probably has HHV-8)
What is the characteristic cell of this entity?

Rhabdomyoblast (strap cell)
What type of tumor?

Capillary hemangioma: closely packed aggregates of thin-walled capillaries

Where do leiomyosarcomas typically arise?
skin, deep soft tissue of the extremities and retroperitoneum
Karposi sarcoma is the most common cancer associated with what condition?
What is the best diagnosis in this case?

Leiomyoma (fibroid) in the uterus
Leiomyomas have blunt-ended, elongated nuclei with minimal atypia, and few mitoses
What type of benign tumor often arises in the uterus?
Leiomyoma (fibroid)
What are the three different types of hemangioma?
Capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma)
What type of soft tissue tumor?

Synovial sarcoma