2.5.3 Week in Review Flashcards


What gender is most likely to suffer from a colles fracture?

B. Femoral
What is the most frequently damaged ligament upon ankle eversion?
Deltodid ligament
Lack of an end point in the talar tilt is positive for what?
LCL tear (anterior/posterior talofibular ligaments, calcaneofibular)

What are the points of tenderness in the ottawa ankle rules?

What are the Ottawa Ankle rules for x-raying ankle?

Diagnose me.

Acromioclavicular separation (shoulder separated)
Where does the compression occur in cubital tunnel?
Ulnar nerve as it passes beneath the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)
What is the ulnar tunnel of the hand/wrist?
Guyon’s canal
What three tests (provocative maneuvers) that can be used to identify carpal tunnel syndrome?
Phalen’s test: phalen’s flap
Tinel’s sign: Tinel’s tap
Digital compression test
What are the grades of ankle sprains?

What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
The hand and 1.5 anterior forearm muscles (flexor carpi radialis and ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus
and sensory for 1.5 fingers
What is the order of the hamstring muscles from medial to lateral?
semiMembranous, semitendonous, and biceps femoris

What type of movement could cause Erb’s palsy
Excessive separation of the head and neck such as falling with shoulder on ground
(shoulder dystocia in baby delivery)

What is the diff b/t varus and valgus?

What nerve/vessel injuries are associated with these humerus fractures?
Surg neck, radial groove, distal end of humerus, medial epicondyle

What is the clinical importance of the femoral triangle?

What test is used for fuction of the subscapularis?
The “lift-off test” (also good for testing rhomboids)

Where is pain and tenderness felt in a scaphoid fracture?
The anatomical snuff box
What are the two types of muscle fibers?
2: Too fast

What is the most common direction of ankle sprains?

C. Common Fibular (peroneal) nerve
What is the most frequently fractured carpal bone?

What is O’ Donoghues Triad?
Complete ACL tear
Complete M/TCL Tear
Peripheral medial meniscus tear
What type of subluxation and dislocation is common in young children?
S & D of the radial head (“pulled elbow” = nursemaid’s elbow)

What the relationship between the the roots and the terminal branches of the brachial plexus?

What test is used to identify weakness in shoulder due to the tearing of the supraspinatus?
The empty-can test


What duration of time for immobilization is suggested for non-displaced scaphoid fractures?

What is unique about the origin of the lumbricals?
originate off the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus
During what type of muscle movement is hamstring injury most common?
Eccentric muscle contraction
What is the most common cause of a Colles’ fracture?
Falling on an outstretched hand (FOOSH)
Which hand muscles are innervated by the median nerve?
1/2 LOAF

What is the most common bacterium causing cellulitis?
Streptococci or Staph. aureus (increasing concern with MRSA)
What two tendons make up the anatomical snuff box?
Extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon
Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) tendon

What is the most frequently damaged ligament upon ankle inversion?
Anterior talofibular ligament
Tommy John surgery is used to repair which structure in the elbow?
The ulnar collateral ligament
What is the most commonly torn muscle of the rotator cuff?
Supraspinatus m.
What are the four types of Colles’ fracture?
I: extra articular, undisplaced
II: extra articular, displaced
III: intra articular, undisplaced
IV: intra articular, displaced
What ligaments are injured in a high ankle sprain?
Syndesmosis ligaments
The piano key sign is associated with which Tossy classification?
Tossy III
What type of neural injury causes ape hand deformity?
Damage to proximal median nerve
What is the function of the lumbricals? What innervates them?
Flex the MCP joint and extends the IP joints of the medial four fingers
1 & 2: median nerve
3 & 4: ulnar nerve

What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
Inguinial lig, sartorius, and adductor longus
What is the Tossy classification system used for? What are the grades?
AC joint isolation

What are the muscles (both intrinsic and extrinsic to the hand) that control these thumb movements? and their respective innervation?

D. Medial meniscus
What are the syndesmosis ligaments?

Injury of the upper brachial plexus (C5-6) is called what?
Erb’s palsy - waiter’s tip deformity