2.5.1 Radiology of the Upper Extremity Flashcards
What is this an image of?
Cortical buckle fracture
What is this an image of?

Coricoclavicular ossification
What is this an image of?

Boxer’s fracture
What are the covered parts in this image?

In a T1 weighted MRI, how does fat compare to muscle compare to fibrocartilage?

What is this an image of?

Colles fracture
Is this a normal bone age for a 7 year old?

NO - this is more of a 12 year old
What is this an image of?

Full thickness tear of RC - supraspinatus
What are the covered parts

What is this an image of?

Radial head fracture
What is the method of observing bone age?

What are the covered parts?

What is this an image of?

Left- pathologic fracture
Right - cortical destrution
64y/o female with subsequent breast cancer finding
What is this an image of?

Elevated clavicle
42 yo male with Grade 3 AC joint injury
What is this an image of?

Post reduction - internal rotation
Arrow - Hill Sachs lesion
What is this an image of?

OCD capitellum
How does the arthrogram of the left compare to right?

Left - normal
RIght - Full thickness rotator cuff tear
What is this an image of?

Incomplete fracture of the radius
What is this an image of?

Displaced supracondylar fx
What is this an image of?

Chauffeur’s fracture of radial styloid
What is a paracoronal image vs a parasaggital image?

What are the covered parts of this oblique coronal image?

Is this normal for a 3 year old?

Yes this is a normal bone age
What is this an image of?
Frature with pseudosubluxation
Name the covered parts

What is this an image of?

Lunate dislocation
What is this an image of and what are the covered parts?

What are the covered parts?

What is this an image of?

Intra-articular fracture, important to assess offset at articular surface, may require internal fixation if offset, o/w may get closed reduction
In a T2 weighted MRI how do muscle, fluid, tendons, and fat compare?

What is this an image of?

Growth plate on 11 y/o male
What is this an image of?

Carpal tunnel
Left - bowed flexor retinaculum
RIght - Enhanced signal from median nerve
What is this an image of?

Anterior dislocation
What is this an image of?

Lunate AVN - Kienbock’s malacia
Name the covered parts

Name the covered parts

What is this an image of?

Normal labrum
What are some causes of delayed bone age?

What is this an image of?

Scaphoid wrist fracture
What is this an image of?

Greenstick fracture
What are the arrows pointing at?

What is this an image of?

White gadolinium contrast extends into labrum = SLAP tear
What is this an image of?

Posterior shoulder dislocation

What are the characteristics of advanced bone age?

What is the arrow pointing at in this 11 yo male?

Growth plate
Name the covered parts

What is this an image of and what are the arrows pointing to?

Name the covered parts

What is this an image of?

Mid clavicle fracture