3.2.3 Muscle Pathology II Flashcards
What are the characteristics of Myasthenia Gravis?

What are the characteristics of Steroid Myopathy?
Following myositis and treatment with steroids. There can be type 2 fiber atrophy
What are the characteristics of Central Core Disease?

What is the important thing to remember when doing a muscle biopsy?
The tissue must be sent fresh and not in formalin
What are the characteristics of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase II Deficiency?

17 month old toddler presents to clinic. He is not yet walking and has very limited facial expressions. Muscle biopsy yields the image attached. What is the diagnosis?

Nemaline Myopathy
What is the difference between these two images?

Staining for Myophosphorylase
Left - Normal
Right - McArdle’s disease (absence of myophosphorylase)
Patient presents with weakness. He has asymmetrical generalized wasting of quadriceps, and other muscles. Pathology shows Rimmed vacuoles on trichrome staining.

Inclusion body myositis
Man is taking a ton of drugs one of which is a statin. He eventually has extreme muscle weakness and reduced reflexes. CK level was 37,000. Muscle biopsy yields attached image. What is the diagnosis?

Statin myopathy
How will a muscle biopsy appear in mitochondrial myopathies?
Due to increased mitochondria possibly

What are the characteristics of fibromyalgia?

What is this an image of?

Oxidative enzyme staining for Central Core disease
What are the characteristics of Statin Myopathy?
If person is taking statins
Scattered degenerating fibers
No inflammation
HUGE elevation in CK
What are these images of?

Nemaline Myopathy
Rods: reddish-purple dots seen in variable numbers among the fibers (Gomori trichrome)
What are the characteristics of Nemaline Myopathy?

What are some of the general characteristics of mitochondrial myopathies?

What are the characteristics of McArdle’s Disease?