3.5-3.9 Flashcards
our agreed upon systems of spoken, written, or signed words, and the ways we combine them to communicate meaning.
in a language, the smallest distinctive sound unit
in a language, the smallest unit that carries meaning; may be a word or a part of a word (such as a prefix)
in a language, a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others.
humans’ innate predisposition to understand the principles and rules that govern grammar in all languages
universal grammar
the stage in speech development, beginning around 4 months, during which an infant spontaneously utters various sounds that are not all related to the household language
babbling stage
the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words
one-word stage
the stage in speech development, beginning about age 2, during which a child speaks mostly in two-word sentences
two-word stage
the early speech stage in which a child speaks like a telegram - “go car” - using mostly nouns and verbs
telegraphic speech
impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Broca’s area (impairing speaking) or Wernicke’s area (impairing understanding
a frontal lobe brain area, usually in the left hemisphere, that helps control language and expression by directing the muscle movements involved in speech
Broca’s area
a brain area, usually in the left temporal Lobe, involved in language comprehension and expression
Wernicke’s area
Whorf’s hypothesis that language determines the way we think
linguistic determinism
the idea that language influences the way we think
linguistic relativism
a theory of the social environment’s influence on human development, using five nested systems ranging from direct to indirect influences
ecological systems theory
five systems of ecological systems theory
Microsystem, Mesosystem, exosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem
the fear of strangers that infants commonly display, beginning by about 8 months of age
stranger anxiety
an emotional tie with others; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to caregivers and showing distress of separation
the process by which certain animals form strong attachments during early life
a procedure for studying child-caregiver attachment; a child is placed in an unfamiliar environment while their caregiver leaves and then returns, and the child’s reactions are observed
strange situation
demonstrated by infants who comfortably explore environments in the presence of their caregiver, show only temporary distress when the caregiver leaves, and find comfort in the caregiver’s return
secure attachment
demonstrated by infants who display a clinging, anxious attachments; an avoidant attachment that resists closeness; or a disorganized attachment with no consistent behavior when separated from or reunited with caregivers
insecure attachment
a person’s characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity
a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy; said to be formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregivers
basic trust
all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in answer to the question, “Who am I?”
our sense of self; according to Erikson, the adolescent’s task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles
the “we” aspect of our self-concept; the part of our answer to “who am I?” that comes from our group memberships
social identity
In Erikson’s theory, the ability to form close, loving relationships; a primary developmental task in young adulthood
a period from about age 18 to the mid-twenties, when many persons in prosperous Western cultures are no longer adolescents but have not yet achieved full independence as adults
emerging adulthood
the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
social clock
Coercive parenting style with strict rules, they expect obedience and control their child’s whole lives.
Unrestraining parenting style that make few demands, few limits, and use limit punishment, but seek a close, friend-like relationship with their children.
Permissive Indulgent
Uninvolved parenting style, where parents do not seek a close relationship with their children and are careless and inattentive.
Permissive neglectful
Confrontive parenting style, the parent sets rules and boundaries but encourages open discussion and allows exceptions