34. Elizabeths Archbishops Flashcards
When was Matthew Parker archbishop?
How was Matthew Parker known to elizabeth?
He had been chaplain to Anne Boleyn
Who did Parker support?
Cranmer and the Duke of Northumberland
What did elizabeth like about parker?
That he remained in England during Mary’s reign even though he lost his job
Why did elizabeth like that Parker had stayed in England during Mary’s reign?
He was untainted by genevan ideas
What was Elizabeth unhappy about Parker?
His support for clerical marriage
What did Parker help elizabeth introduce?
The act of supremacy and act of uniformity, and ensured compliance through injunctions and visitations
What passage did Parker oversee?
The thirty nine articles
When did Parker oversee the passage of the thirty nine articles?
What did Parker refuse to give into for the demands of the 39 articles?
Demands to end holy days, and to remove the use of the sign of the cross at baptism
What controversy did Parker oversee?
The Vestiarian controversy
What did elizabeth want about the surplice?
She wanted the surplice to be enforced, but didn’t want to be seen as heavy handed
How did Parker enforce the surplice?
He issued his advertisements in 1566
When did Parker die?
When was Edmund Grindal archbishop?
What did Grindal do during Mary’s reign?
He went into exile and worked with John foxe in gathering material for his Book of Martyrs
What did Grindal believe about Puritans?
He was more sympathetic, but didn’t like their tactics and agreed that uniformity should be maintained
What did he agree with unlike elizabeth?
He was supportive of prophesying, believing it could improve educational standards and lead to better preaching
What were Grindal’s main aims?
To stiffen the laws against catholics and tackle poor discipline among the clergy
What happened when Grindal didn’t agree to elizabeth’s demands to send out orders to stop prophesying?
Elizabeth suspended him from duty for 6 months and put him under house arrest in 1576
When did Grindal die?
When was John Whitgift archbishop?
What did Whitgift do during Mary’s reign?
Stayed in England
What did Whitgift have a history of?
Standing against puritans
When did Whitgift become vice chancellor of Cambridge university?
What did Whitgift do to Cartwright?
He removed his professorship
What did Whitgift do about the admonition to Parliament?
He wrote a critical reply
When did Whitgift send his critical reply to the admonition to Parliament?
What did Whitgift become president of when he became archbishop?
President of the court of high commission
Who did Whitgift’s appointment scare?
Puritan clergy, the Earl of Leicester, and William Cecil
What did Whitgift ensure happen to catholics and recusants?
They were punished
What did every diocese have to carry out?
A survey of the qualifications of parish priests
What did all clergy have to subscribe to?
The three articles: royal supremacy, exclusive use of the book of common prayer, and the 39 articles
What oath did Whitgift use to question clergy?
The ex-officio oath
What was the ex-officio oath?
They had to swear to answer honestly before they knew what the question was
What was Whitgift particularly concerned with?
Stamping out the influence of the classis movement
Who urged Whitgift to soften his stance due to his unpopularity?
Lord Burghley and Francis Walsingham
When was Whitgift made a member of the privy council?
How did elizabeth die?
Holding Whitgift’s hand