25 Lung tumors Flashcards
Other factors causing Bronchogenic carcinoma
Air pollution-
- Radon exposure - indoor and in miners
Bronchogenic Carcinoma industrial hazards
Radiation - i.e. atomic bomb survvivors
Uranium miners
Genes associated with Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Oncogenes- Cmyc(small cell carcinoma), (adenocarcinoma) —> Kras, EGFR, EML4-ALK
Tumor Supressor- p5, RB, short arm of chroomosome 3
Benzopyrene mech
Causes damager to p53 gene
Bronchogenic carcinoma etiology
“Scar cancer” ?? - occurs in vicinity of scarring
usually adenocarcinoma
May actually be that scar is response not cause of tumor
Bronchogenic carcinoma epidemiology
- present in 50s y.o.
- 7 months of symptoms usually- cough(70%), weight loss(40%), chest pain(40%), dyspnea (20%)
- increased sputum production (can get some malignant cells in sputum)
- frequently diagnosed 2/2 mets
Bronchogenic carrcinoma classifications
Small cell carcinoma -oat cell- lymphocyte like -intermediate cells - polygonal -combined - usually woth squamous Non small cell carcinoma -squamous cell- epidermoid carcinoma ***COMMON**** -adenocarcinoma ***COMMON**** *glandula with mucin, papulllar, solid, bronchioalveolar -Large cell carcinoma -Adenosquamous carcinoma
Other syndromes assocaited with lung tumors
Pneumonia/abscess/lobar collapes Lipid pneumonia Pleural eddusion hoarsness dysphagia rib distruction SVC syndrom/horners - pancoast tumor ***
Pancoast tumor
Tumor at apex of lung
- involvement of superior vena cava
- involvement of superior cervical ganglion- horners
Ipsilateral ptosis, myosis, anhydrosis
Chemo response in bronchogenic carcinoma
Non small cell carcinoma- surgery may be an option- can remove lower stage tumors
Small cell carcinomas treated with chemo and radiation
Bronchogenic carcinoma treatment advances
- Mutation specific: EGFR- treat with tyrosine kinase inhibitor, Kras, and EML4-ALK mutations (ADENOCARCINOMAS
- VEGF antibody- Bevacizumab- not for squamous cell carcinoma (hemmorrhhhage)
- Premetrexed- active in non squamous cell carcinoma
Smoking and bronchogenic carcinomas
Smokers 10x greater risk
Heavier smokers 20x
Small cell carcinoma
20-25% bronchogenic carcinomas 100% SMOKERS WORSTPROGNOSIS Endobronchial growth with small polyps neuroendicrine granules usually already advanced stage do respond to chemo- but its usually too late
Small cell histo
Small round blue cells like lymphocytes
Crush artifact
extensive necrosis
Non-Small Cell bronchogenic carcinomas
Squamous Adeno -Bronchioloalveolar Large cell Adenosquamous
***May be able to treat with surgery if caught early
Squamous cell carcinomea
23-40% of bronchogenic carcinoma
Most common in males with cigarette smoking
Cavitary Necrosis
Endobronchial in large bronchi (main or lobar)
Histo- Keratin formation- SQUAMOUS PEARLS intracellular bridges
25-45% bronchogenic carcinomas Most common in women and nonsmokers MOST COMMON IN USA Usually peripheral Slow growing- asymptomatic, usually metastasize before diagnosis
Adenocarcinoma histology
Glandular -May be glandular with epithelioid lining Solid -large sheets of cells - no glands Papillary -fingerlike projections into alveoli BRONCHIOLOALVEOLAR -follows alvoelar septa "Lepidic"
1-9% all lung cancers
subset of adenocarcinoma
*Nonmucinous(clara cells and type II pneumocytes) 66% of cases
-Nodular (single or multifocal)
-No mucin vacuoles lining epithelium on LM
*Mucinous (tall columnar cells) 33% of cases
-Diffuse infiltrates(pneumonia like and slimy)- AGRESSIVE
- Mucin vacuoles on columnar cells in epithelium
Large cell carcinoma
10-15% of bronchogenic carcinoma
pleomorphic large cells with giant cells- some semblance of glandular or squamous
Poor prognosis (6%) 5 year survival
- Giant cell carcinoma
- most malignant
- peripheral
- <10 month surival
Adenosquamous carcinoma
1-3% of bronchogenic carcinomas
Peripheral scarred tumor with adeno and squamous together
Bronchogenic CA spread
Hilar lymph nodes Adrenals Liver Brain Bone
TNM staging
T 1-4,
- 1 no bronchus or pleural,
- 2 involving bronch 2cm from crania
- 3 involves chest walls or other anatomy
- 4 involves mediastinum, heart,other important anatomy may be with malignant PE
N 0-3
- 0 no nodes
- 1 hilar or peribronchial nodes
- 2 mediastinal or subcarinal ipsilateral
- 3 contralateral spread or supraclavicular
M 0-1
- 0 no mets
- 1 mets
Cancer class staging
Stage I- no nodes T1 or 2
Stage II - nodes T1or2, no nodes T3
Stage III - T3 with 1 node, or any with nodes 2 or above
Stage IV- Metastatic
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Symptom complexes in CA patients not directly due to cancer 1-10% cancer patients
- cushings (ACTH)
- Hyponatremia (ADH)
- Carcinoid (serotonin)
- Hypercalcemia(PTH)
- Myasthenic syndrome
Carcinoid tumors
1-5% lung tumors Younger patients Usually low grade usually well circumscribed fleshy mass within bronchus GOOD PROGNOSIS. RARE mets Surgical excision
Carcinoid histology
Salt and pepper chromatin
monomorphic cells
no mitoses
round to ovoid