10 Kidney stones Flashcards
Depositis in tubules and interstitial space, not pelvis or calyx
Medullary Sponge Kidney
Dilated and calcified medullary pyramids
Stone forming process
- Crystals usually form in tubule
- crystals aggregate
- are encased in protein
- Subepithelial calciumphosphate depostis (assocaited with stone disease) (perhaps erode through and release crystals?) (cause ddamage to make walls sticky for crystals?)
Kidney stone composition
- Calcium oxalate 75%
- calcium phosphate 30%
- Uratess
- Struvite - infectous
- Cysteine
SEM of stones
Aggregates of small crystals- formed in layers
5-15% usa Men>women (2/5-1 White more commonly affected 50% recurrence in 5 yrs Common in "dixie states"
Drugs that promote stone formation
Ethelenee glycol
Genetic causes
Hyperoxalosis- Calcium oxalate crystals
Dent Disease- Calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate
Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalcemia with neohrocalcinosis- Calcium (Phosphate?)
APRT deficiency- 2,8, dihydroxy adenine
Distal renal tubular acidosis- CaPO4
L cysteine stone Disease
Non- reabsorbed Cysttein precipitates at urine pH
- Type A38%- Recessive SLC3A1 targeting for receptor defective
- Type B 47%- incomplete dominance Cysteine transporter defective
Primary Hyperoxalosis
Very rare
- PH1 80% Alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferrase deficiency
- PH2 10% Glycolate/hydroxylpyruvate reductase (GRHPR) defecit
- PH3 10% 4-OH2oxaloglutarate aldolase (HOGA1) deficiency
- OXALATE only
Calcium oxalate shapes
monohydrate- circular crrystals
Dihydrate- dipyramidal
Oxalate stone disease
- Hyperalkylosis - stones throughout body
- Enteric and Ileojejunal bypass patients- malabsorption causes high oxalate extraction from foods
- Hereditary
Stone risk factors
*History, polycystic kidney disease, renal tubular acidosis, medullary sponge disease, transplant and ESRD
*ibd, short gut, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia, gout, HIV
* Low fluid intake, high salt, high protien/meat, low calcium intake, high oxalate- spinache beets rhubarb, nuts, beans, chocolate, soy beans, tea
Stone analysis
Serum labs:
* Chem panel, calcium, Albumin, Phosphorus, MG, uric acid, PTH, VitD
*Creatnine, crystals (Ca,Ox, phosphates, uric acid, cysteine), Volume, pH, Na, Cittrate, Mg, K
Crystal shapes
CaOx mono- ovoid di-bipyramidal
Struvite-Coffin lid(triangular prism)
Uric acid (football)
Used only to diagnose type- persance of small crystals in urine doesnt suggest crystal disease.
Kidney stone treatment
Symptom managemennt, alpha blockers, steroids, Ca blockers- relax ureters, Uric acid dissolution of urate stones
*Extracorporeal shock wave lithotrypsy
*uretoscopy- stone basketing/ laser or electrohydraulic lithotrypsy
*Percutaneous surgery
Cysteine stone disease treatment
Dilution- drink more Alkalinize urine Cysteine binding drugs -Penicillamine Lots of SE -Tiopronin Lots of SE -Catopril- ACEi (causes hypotension at effective doses)
UA crystal treatment
Dilution Low protein diet Alkilinization of urine XO inhibitors -allopurinol -febuxstat
Struvite treatment
- Dilution
- antibiotics
- surgical residual stone removal
- Ureasee inhibitors and chemolysis
Ca stone tratment
Dilution Normal Ca intake diet low protein NA diet to prevent Ca excretion Thiazide diuretic reduce oxalate in diet Increase urine citrate -high fruit low potein -citrate or bicarb supplements