20 Sleep respiration Flashcards
Sleep architecture
Usually 2 cycles to stage 4, then 1 to stage 3, then a few stage 2
Sleep waveforms
Stage 1- relatively disordered- some theta waves (2-8%)
Stage 2- sleep spindles(quick oscillation) and K complexes (large waves) (45-55%)
Stage 3,4- Synchronus wave pattern (13-23%)
REM- Disorganized with areas of saw tooth waves (20-25%)
Sleep control
Process H/S- buildup of need for sleep
Process C- Alertness signaling that increases until sleep (circadian)
Circadian clock
Located in SCN
Reset with photoperiod
Sleep promoting factors
Cytokines (flu) Prostaglandin D2 Adenosine Serotonin ACH
Wake promoting factors
NREM vs. REM sleep CNS activation and blood flow
- Low discharge rate
- Glucose utilization decreased
- Increase in mean discharge of neurons
- Glucose utilization increased- resembles waking
- cerebral blood flow increased
REM vs. NREM somatic activity
- repositioning and light motor events
- Paralysis (postsynaptic inhibition through hyperpolarization)
- Phasic eye movements and muscle twitches
Brreathing in sleep
- Periodic breathing in stages 1 and 2
- Regular breathing stage 3-4
- REM Irregular breathing - paradoxical
Additional sleep tidbits
GH increases 90 inutes after sleep onset- slp. deprav. dec. GH
Parathyroid increased during sleep
ACTH deccreases n sleep onset (dec cortisol) increases before wakening.
BODY TEMP- set point lower with NREM, and unregulated in REM
Sleep diaries
Make a patient do one of these before bringing them into the lab
Record sleep times naps waking work etc.
Movement sensor (though not reliable in insomnia as patients tend to lie very quietly
Multiple sleep latency test
- 20 minute opportunities to nap every two hours (5 sessions)
- measure time from lights out to sleep
- Pathological sleep is less than 8 min (normal >10)
- More than one REM is abnormal
Obstructive sleep apnea affect on heart and BP
- Obstruction causes negative intrathoracic pressure- overfill RV, underfill LV (CO can drop by as much as 25%)
- Decreased CO increases sympathetic tone, and spikes BP after opening of airways
Cheyne Stokes respiration
Apnea followed by crescendo-decrescendo effort and breathing
- blunted pCO2 response secondary to low perfusion
- increased response of lung receptors causes overshoot and hypercapnea
Treat heart failure regamin and then CPAP- CPAP decreases lung overshoot and helps remiss the cheyne stokes
Sleep latency
10-12 Normal
Below 8 - resident or Sleep apnea
below 6- idiopathic hypersomnia
below 4- narcolepsy
Environmental and Genetic
Maybe trauma, antigen binding, sleep depravation
*Hypocretin cell loss
Basically screws up hypothalamic sleep control ( cant stay away or stay asleep)
*REM intrusion into wakefulness- paralysis/cataplexy and dreaming while awake
Periodic movement disorder
Withdraw reflex overactive- hyperactive limb movements causing sleep disturbances.
- Neuropathy
- Medications/ withdrawl
Non 24 hour sleep disorder
- Retnally blind at risk
* treat with melatonin
REM behavior disorder
No paralysis in REM sleep
Night terror
Abnormal arousal from slow wave sleep- related to sleep walking
- Only partially awake
- little or no dream recall
- frequently goes back to sleep
- racing heart, thrashing, screaming.
NREM parasomnias
Sleep walking Sleep talking Sleep eating Confusional arousal Night terrors
Sleep paralyss
REM behavior disorder