11 Renal devo and congenital abnormalities Flashcards
GBM characteristics
Type IV collagen
Heparin sulfate causes negative charge
Water and positive proteins <70kDa permeable
Albumin is negative and nonpermeable
Kidney anatomy
Cortex- Glomeruli, distal and proximal tubules
MEdulla- Loops of henle and collecting ducts
6 distal tubules per collecting cut- travles to duct of bellini
Congenital kidney abnormalties
Aplasia, hypoplasia, dysplasia
ectopic kidneys
Fusion abnormalitis
Ureter duplication
Horseshoe kidney
90% lower pole
Associated with turners syndrome
increased risk of stones
Cystic kiddney diseases
Renal dysplasia ARPKD (austosomal recessive polycystick KD) ADPKD Medullary sponge disease Acquired cystic kidney diisease
Renal dysplasia
cystic kidney disease
detected by ultrasound or palpable mass
single or bilateral
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
- 1:20k Live births
- PKHD1 gene on chromosome 6p21
- ultrasound diagnosis
- largehyperechoic kidneys
- oligohydramnios/decreased urine in bladder
- serious cases 30-50% mortal
- Assocaited with maternal oligohydramnios
- potters facies
- pulmonary hypoplasia
APKD exrarenal manifestations
hepatic fibrosis
portal hypertension
ARPKD morpho/histo
Smooth kidney with small cysts
Cyindrical cysts extending radially through cortex
Cyst lined by cuboidal epithelium
Normal glomeruli
20-40% new mutations
90% PKD1 gnene chromosome 16
rest PKD2 on 4 (slower progression)
- Large kidneys - deffect in BM
- also blood vessel probems, pancreatic cysts, and diverticulitis
ADPKD Cyst formation
Abnormal epithelial differentiation high proliferation secretion of fluid into cysts abnormal ECM interstitial fibrosis
ADPKD Clinical manifestations
hematuria and mild proteinurria HTN RF- progressing to ESRD by 57-73 yo (50%) Infections stones renal clic
ADPKD extrarenal manifestations
Hepatic cysts intracranial aneurysms Valvular anomolies arterial aneurisms (AAA or coronaries) Also berry aneurysms IVC thrombosis Hernias Pancreatic cysts
ADPKD diagosis
- flank pain and hematuria
- Ultrasound diagnosis
- 2 cysts total by age 30
- 2 in each kidney 30-59 YO
- 4 cysts bilaterally >60 YO
APKD treatment
HTN/infection control
Pain control
Manage extrarenal manifestations
Transplant or dialysis
Medullar sponge kidney
Dilated medullary and papillary collecting ductts Spongy appearance on pyelogram Causes: *UTIs *stones *hematuria
Acquirred cystic disease
Usualy cortical
50% of patients on dialysis
May have bleeding or pain
can transform into cancer
Renal biopsy
Indications: *persistant glomerular hematuria *persistent nephrotic proteinura *unexplained RF *Transplant rejection Contraindications *bleeding disorders *sinle kidney Complications *Self limited gross hematuria *hematoma (80%) *Heorrhage(1-2%).3% require surgery *Death 1/8000 cases