24 Microbial Diseases of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems Flashcards
Describe the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTI’s).
painful urination, urge to go, cloudy or blood tinged urine, fever, chills, and lower back pain
For leptospirosis list or describe the following:
a. the causative agent, bacterial group
b. the method of transmission
c. signs and symptoms of the disease
a. leptospira interrogans, spirochete
b. enters urinary system from blood, enters body from breaks in the skin or mucous membranes, transmitted from infected animal urine
c. headache, fever, chills, vomiting, kidney failure, liver failure, and death.
bacterial vaginosis list or describe:
a. causative agents
b. signs and symptoms
a. polymicrobial, gardenella vaginalis, ureaplasma urealyticum, mycoplasma hominis
b. grey vaginal discharge, strong odor, increased vaginal pH, clue cells
Describe the reasons why vulvovaginal yeast infections occur.
reduction in normal protective flora caused by antimicrobial therapy, hormone changes, or change in vaginal pH
toxic shock syndrome list:
a. the causative agent, bacterial group
b. signs and symptoms
c. risk factors
a. staph aureus
b. high fever, headache, muscle aches, sunburn like rash, decrease in blood pressure from toxin
c. highly absorbent tampons, length of time a tampon is in, and gauze left in place too long after surgery
gonorrhea list or describe the following:
a. the causative agent, bacterial group
b. the mechanism of pathogenicity
c. signs and symptoms for males and females
d. method of transmission
a. neisseria gonorrhoeae
b. fimbriae attach to the mucosal cells and get between spaes in the epithelial cells of the mouth, throat, urethra, cervix,eyes, and rectum
c. females are usually asymptomatic, males have discharge from the penis and painful urination
d. sex
chlamydial genital system infections (aka nongonoccal urethritis/nonspecific urethritis) list or describe the following:
a. causative agents, bacterial group
b. signs and symptoms for males and females
c. method of transmission
a. chlamydia trachomatis
b. female asymptomatic and males mild discharge. Males can get epididymitis and orchitis which can lead to infertility.
c. sex
Describe the cause and effects of pelvic inflammatory disease.
inflammation of female reproductive structures usually from gonococcal infection, but can be due to chlamydia, Can cause salpingitis which is the inflammation and eventual scarring of the fallopian tubes which can cause infertility
syphilis list or describe the following:
a. causative agent, bacterial group
b. method of transmission
c. signs and symptoms of the 3 stages
a. treponema pallidum
b. sex
c. 1. small painless chancre on skin of sex organs
2. whole body rash, enlarged lymph nodes, hair loss, fever, fatigue, and condylomas (flat warts)
3. follows a latent period with no symptoms, then gummas (rubbery lesions), dementia, blindness, heart damage, and seizures
chancroid list or describe:
a. causative agent
b. signs and symptoms
c. risks associated with the disease
a. haemophilus ducryi
b. painful chancres
c. increased risk of HIV
trichomoniasis list or describe the following:
a. causative agent
b. method of transmission
c. signs and symptoms for males and females
d. diagnosis
a. trichomonis vaginalis
b. sex
c. males are asymptomatic and females have a green/yellow frothy discharge with vaginitis
d. diagnosed with a urine, semen, or vaginal smear