2.4: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Flashcards
What lead to the discovery of atoms
The discovery of Atoms, Molecules, and Ions was born out of a theoretical thought experiment; if you took an object and worked to split it apart into smaller and smaller pieces, repeatedly striking each piece into smaller and smaller bits at what point do you achieve the smallest possible can you get the smallest possible division of this material?
Atoms comes from the Greek Atomos which means indivisible
What did a scientists do in 1803
In 1803 John Dalton, propose that the billiard ball model, which was the proposition of an indivisible unit of an element which is an atom that resembles a tiny sphere
What did a scientist do in 1904
In 1904 JJ Thompson used electric field and magnets discovered electrons and he proposed atom model where electrons fit inside a sphere of uniform positive charge is it called the plum pudding model
What did a scientist do in 1911
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of an atom. He took a piece of gold foil and shot alpha particles through it, most would travel through and get detected by a sensor, though others were deflected by the nucleus of the gold and reflected at various angles, various angles.
What did a scientist do In 1913
in 1913 Niels Bohr worked in the lap of Rutherford and describe the model where fixed circular orbits of electrons exist it around the positive nucleus
What did a scientist do in 1926
Other scientist, like in 1926 when Schrodinger theorized that an atoms electrons behaved more like waves than particles. He also thought that electrons occupy regions of space (orbitals) around the nucleus, which was determined by their energies.
What other scientist was involved in the descriptions in atoms
Heisenberg was a scientist who thought the both Bohr and Schrodinger’s were correct in that electrons were particles but could be described as waves
What is an atom
The smallest possible piece of an element is called an atom
Each element consist of its own type of atoms. Though variations called isotopes exist within each element.
Atoms cannot be decomposed. When you heat a solid element It will melt. This is not the atom decomposing, but it separating from nearly identical neighbouring Atoms, the nature of the atoms is not affected and there’s no atomic change.
What is an atom made of
An atom is made of several subatomic particles:
the proton which is positive, massive and in the nucleus,
a neutron, which is neutral, massive, and in the nucleus
and electron which is negative, nearly massless, and is found on the outside, but within proximity of the nuclear us
What are molecules
The smallest possible piece of a compound is called a molecule. Example of water molecule is two atoms of hydrogen your chemically combined with one atom of oxygen, thus it consists of three atoms, though only two types of elements. Methane is one carbon and four hydrogen molecules and they can be represented with a diagram of connecting spears.
What are ions
Ions are atoms or molecules, which have developed a very positive or negative charge.
Adams or electrically neutral this is because the number of protons spare one electric charge any number of electrons negative one electric charge are always equal so Allemania contains 13 protons 30 electrons and a zero electric charge but if the proton electron count different than the Adam assumes electrical charge and it’s longer considered Adam but I’m tired is a positive charge one there’s one more protons and electrons either cations and is a negative charge one one more electrons are game and there’s one more electrons and there’s protons onions table salt, which is sodium chloride and ACL is positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions
In general metals tend to form positive ions because they lose electrons and nonmetals tend to form negative ions because they gave electrons
What are the common qualities of metals
Elements that are considered metals have a few general properties in common. They are all solid, except for mercury. They’re all silver and colouration except for gold and copper, they are all shiny or lustrous, malleable and ductile and they’re all good conductors of heat and electricity.
What are the commonalities of non-metals
Nonmetals also have several common properties they can be solid liquid or gas. They have various colors, including colorless. They are dull and not shiny. They are solid, but are often crumbly. They are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
What are diatomic atoms
Most elements have a pure form consisting of a single Adam over there at eight elements which are diatonic. The seven common diatomic elements are H2, O2, F2, Br2, I2, N2, CL2 there’s also a very rare At2
diatomic elements are element which exist as molecules consisting of 2 Atoms which are covalently bonded
What are some ways to remember the diatomic atoms
the funny sounding word HOFBrINCL can help you remember this sentence (Which omits astatine due to rarity)
1+7 equals eight, gives the atomic number of the first diatomic elements and the second diatomic numbers, the remaining elements can be memorized by drawing a big blocky 7 on the periodic table which includes elements with the atomic numbers 7,8,9,17,35,53,85
What are some other polyatomic molecules
There are also several elements that exist in molecular form that have compound is includes phosphorus, which is before you tetratomic molecule (p4) shown as an equilateral pyramid, and sulfur, which is an octatomic molecule (S8, which is in the form of a zigzag written, carbon existing numerous ones, such as graphite, diamond head, numerous others, what is typically just ran as C note that some written material carefully write symbols for these elements as P4 S8 and C while other authors may choose to just write them as P S and C