2.3: The Periodic Table Groups 13-16 Flashcards
What are the most common and significant elements within groups 13 to 16?
Oxygen, carbon, sulfur, nitrogen
What are the elements within group 13?
Boron, Aluminum, Gallium, Indium, and thallium
What is boron
boron is the only nonmetal in this group aluminum is a metal, gallium, indium, and thallium are metalloids
many of boron’s compounds are electron deficient and act as lewis acids
Boron is different from the rest of group 13 because it is not a true metal. crystalline boron is non-lustrous, brittle and a black powdery material that does not conduct electricity well
Boric oxide is B203 and unlike the oxides of any other element in group 13. It is acidic it dissolves in water to form boric acid H3B03, also called Boracic acid, it is used as a mild antiseptic for bathing one’s eyes
The primary source of of boron is borax sodium tetraborate Na2B4O7 * 10H2O. borax is alkaline solution, and it’s used in laundry soap and detergent
What is aluminum
The most abundant metal in Earth trust is aluminum that forms compounds with silicon and oxygen, which are found in clay, mica and feldspar. Aluminum is harvested from the ore boxite Al203* 2H2O. The metal is received by Electrosing the ore.
Aluminum is very light, strong, and a white metal that is quite reactive when exposed to air water, or even acid, it forms a though film of oxide on its surface, which prevents further reaction, though when heated strongly in air its scrapings can burn like magnesium.
we use aluminum extensively in cooking ware, boil, electric wiring and lightweight. Alloys found in cars and airplanes. Aluminum oxide crystals contain small traces of other metallic ions to form precious stones like rubies and sapphires
What is gallium and thallium
Gallium Indian and thallium are soft reactive metals. The exceptionally low point of gallium has no simple explanation since it’s boiling point of 2070C is not abnormal, so it has the longest liquid range of any known substance and is thus used in Thermometres
What are the elements of group 14
Carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, lead
What is carbon
Carbon exists in two forms called allotropes. These are forms of an element that have different physical and chemical properties, the two allotropes of carbon are called graphite and diamond.
Graphite is a soft, black slippery material which we use for lubricants, and “lead” pencils while diamonds are extremely hard, clear and found in jewellery, drills and grinders.
both the forms of carbon are crystalline and nonmetallic. Though graphite is a good conductor of electricity. Carbon is also the base element for all organic compounds.
What is silicon and germanium
Silicon is next to oxygen in the most abundant element in earths crust. It forms a large part of the soil, sand and rocks that we walk on. Sand for example is silicon dioxide
Meanwhile, germanium is very sparse and difficult to obtain. It was only discovered in 1883.
Both these elements are semiconductors that are used in transistors, and silica is extensively used in the manufacturing of glass.
What are tin and lead
As you approach the bottom of the group 14 at the elements become more Metallic in nature, this is where we find tin and lead, true metals. Neither are plentiful, but they’re well known as the many uses and we can recover their or quite simply. They are very malleable and can be rolled into tin sheets. We often use them in plate iron to make tin cans and alloys such as Bronze and solder. We find lead in batteries, wheels and fishing weights with along with a protective barrier against radiation and x-rays, lead is toxic, and there is movedto eliminate many of its current, uses to protect the environment and people. This includes unleaded gasoline, and bismuth shot for hunting water fowl.
What are the elements of group 15
Nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bismuth
What is nitrogen
Nitrogen is the first element in group 15 and it occurs mainly as a gas and comprises roughly 78% of the earths atmosphere, and it is commonly prepared by the liquefaction of air. It is the most stable, diatomic, molecule known
What is phosphorus
There are three allotropic forms of phosphorus, called white, red and black. white phosphorus exist as P4 molecules. It is very reactive and poisonous and usually stored underwater because it ignites spontaneously in air. When white phosphorus is heated under pressure, red phosphorus, and then black phosphorus are formed. These are both far less reactive than white phosphorus and maybe stored in air.
What is arsenic and antimony
Like phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony existing three allotropic forms. The tetratatomic forms are similar to white phosphorus and are unstable and non-metallic. Metallic forms are much denser and appreciable electric conductivity.
What is bismuth
bismuth is an element that has two metallic allotropic forms. It is often found in the elemental state, and like water contracts when it melts and expands when it freezes.
What are the elements of group 16
Oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium
What is oxygen
Oxygen is the most abundant element in earths crust and forms compounds with every element except the noble gases, and the oxide is often the most important compound of any individual element and it’s on elemental state. It forms a diatomic molecule. 02.
What is sulphur
Sulphur forms Octatomic molecule S8 under normal conditions. In this molecule the eight atoms are arranged in a puckered ring or crown, the yellow allotrope for the sulphur is seen at low temperatures. When heated it slowly changes form at around 25°C before melting at 119. liquid sulphur is heated above 160°C and then suddenly cool. It formed another allotrope “plastic sulphur” with strands that have considerable tensile strength, most commercially imported metals such as lead or tin occur as sulphites in their orders, and many of the world productions of sulphur are used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
What is selenium
Selenium is named after the Greek goddess of the moon does several allotropic forms, one of which shows a considerable increase electric connectivity when it is exposed to light, and consequently is valuable and photo electric cells.
What is tellurium and polonium
The element tellurium has two allotropic farms, one of which is silvery white and sunny metallic, and the other, which is gray brown powder.
Polonium is a radioactive element, discovered by Mary Care, it is found in uranium ore. It forms from the radioactive decay of uranium, thorium, and actinium, and itself decays into an isotope of lead