2.2: The Periodic Table Flashcards
Who was Dimitri Mendeleev
A scientist who in 1869 created the periodic table of elements he was writing a book called the principles of chemistry flight of hammock for modern chemistry and physical theory is contain a table that list of the elements according to increasing weight, I doing a soprano emerge for certain spaces, we left like these empty spaces allowed me to do theorized on the existence of multiple elements on yet discovered eventually the elements gallium scan them and germanium filled these slots
What are the three divisions within the modern periodic table of elements?
One: the representative elements:
1-2 13-18 this is
group one alkaline metals
group two alkaline earth metals
group 17, halogens and
group 18 noble gases
2: transition elements columns between the two sets which is 3-13
3: lanthanides actinides elements 57 to 71 are lanthanides and elements 89 to 103 are actinides
What are the features of the periodic table?
The elements are paged and Rose called. They are also arranged and Collins called groups or families all elements in a group share chemical and physical properties. Esterich race is the dividing line that to send troops, 13 to 17 separate elements into metals and nonmetals and metals are malleable, ductile, lustrous conductive, and assume a positive electric charge one nonmetals are brittle double non-conductive and remain neutral or assume negative charge to change it’s not strict by the transition zone overlaps with properties of metals and nonmetals.
What are trends number 1 to 3?
I didn’t appears in groups one and 17th as it can behave, metallic or nonmetallic the atomic number equals the number of protons the atomic mass equals the average mass of an element compared to carbon 12 diatomic elements are H2 02 N2 Cl2 F2 Br2 At2 I2 tetratomic atomic elements are P4 and Octa tonic elements are S8
What are trans number four through five
Call periodic tables display information on a key that explains the info of each element. This key varies between tables 5 x 2016 the seventh row was completed with several elements including nihonium mosculum venessine and organnesea
What are some other trends of the periodic table?
Certain trends Develop within groups are rose example within group 17 the elements, bowling and melting points increase as you to send the table move along the road the combining capacity of elements represents change is Charlie as +1+2+3 as you move, left to right ionization energy is the energy required to remove the outer. Most electron atomic radius is 1/2 the distance of two touching element. Adams. Electronegativity is the attraction of an atom for its electrons in a chemical bond summary as you move left to right the atomic radius decreases the ionization energy increases electronegativity increases as you move from the top to bottom atomic radius decreases and ionization energy increases, electronegativity decreases
What are some alkaline metal elements?
Lithium symbol LI atomic number three a soft silver alkaline metals that melts at 180°C and boils at 1326° sodium in a public number 11 a soft silver metal that boils at 889 and it melts at 98° potassium K talk about 19 itself silver metal that melts at 63° and foils at 757° or video Marbee Talis number 31 Aesop silver element that melts at 39° and boils at 679° caesium CS top number 55 Aesop silver medal that bullet melts at 29° and boils at 600 francium FR 87 has a half life of about 21 minutes and so many other properties are unknown
What are the general characteristics of alkaline metals both physical and chemical?
They are very metallic, shiny malleable, and good conductors. They have low melt points at Hyatt boil points. Their chemical properties include a combining capacity of positive one. They’re all very reactive and increase as we go down the column, they react with oxygen to form oxides, they react with water to burn or explode hyper hydroxide forms with water and will form crystalline solids and react with us is to form salts hydroxides are basic and react well with acids it’s strong electrolyte, except for lithium hydroxide.
What’s my alkaline metals be used for?
A heat transfer in a nuclear reactor and AK sodium vapour is used in streetlamps sodium fluoride is table salt sodium is used in atomic clocks and infrared. Lance and potassium is used in fertilizers.
What are some alkaline earth metals?
Beryllium DEA atomic number for a hard silver metal that melts at 128 3° and boils at 29703’s magnesium emoji Thomas number 12 is a hard silver medal that boils at 1110 and melts at 65 1°, calcium CA, 20 atomic number it is a hard sell metal that melts at 845 and boils at 1484 strontium SR Koehler number 38 hard silver melt at 768 boils at 1384 Maryam B a Time Comor 56 soft silver melt at 7:25 boils at 1640, radium RA atomic number 88, silver melts at 700 boils at 1140
What are general properties of alkaline earth metals
They are harder than alkalines and melt at higher temperatures. They have a combination capacity of +2 you’re not as reactive alkalines, but this increases as it goes down magnesium burns, and the others form oxides with oxygen brilliant magnesium have no reaction, unless they are very hot others are reactive to not as reactive as alkalines. The activity increases as you go down they release, hydrogen gas when with acid.
What are alkaline earth metals used in?
They are used in flares and fireworks. This is magnesium and strontium. They are used in Glass that is in colour TV, which is strontium barium is using rubber rat poison, and the green colour in fireworks.
What are some halogens?
Fluorine symbol F atomic number nine it is a gas that is pale yellow. It melts at the -218° and boils at -188 chlorine CL 17 a gas that is yellow green melts at -101° and boils at -34 bromine BR talking about 35 is a liquid that is reddish brown melt at -7° and boils at 59 that’s the time 8085. Rest of properties are unknown as it is only found in trace amounts.
What are the properties of halogens?
They all had a little meltdown point and boil point iodine will sublime at room, temperature and pressure chemical properties. They are all very reactive. Flooring is the strongest oxidizing agent. All are very poisonous, reactive and toxic but this decreases as you go down towards the bottom they’ll have negative one principle of colonization. Does Sam also have a positive one+3+5+7,com bones
What might halogens be used in?
Eedyn is using antiseptics and halogen lamps. Fluorine is used in plastics and in tooth decay chlorine in purifying water making PVC pipes and for bleaching.
What are some noble gases?
Helium symbol, HE atomic number to a gas with no colour that melts at -272° and boils at -268.9° neon and eat Thomas number 10 melts at -249 and boils at -246 argon AR number 18 melts at -189 was at -186 crypto Island KR number 36 melt at -157 boils at -152 Xenon XE number 54 melts at -112 bottles at -107 radon RN number 86 belts at -71 boils at -62 two
What are the properties of noble gases? 
They all have low, melting and boiling point helium cat solidify, except at considerable pressure liquid helium approaches, absolute zero chemical properties. They are virtually non-reactive and require extreme temperatures or pressure to form compounds some emit colours when an electric current is conducted for helium. this is cream or pale orange neon. This is orange or red for organizing on this is blue.
What are some common uses of Noble gases
Neon signs helium, helium and neon are used in lasers. Argon is using lightbulbs and in tungsten insert gas welding.
What are some properties of transitions, lanthanides and actinides elements?
They are all metals. There are all hard and dents. They’ll have high melting and high boiling points. They are good conductors they are they are very in chemical reactivity. They form, many colour compounds tends to be green, orange, yellow, pink or blue and they have different combining capacities iron is +2+3 chromium is +2+3+6 manganese is +2+3+4+6+7.
What are lanthanides
Atomic numbers 57 through 71. They are called rare earth they’re almost identical in chemical characteristics there are reactive and react with water to produce hydrogen gas. They have a combined incapacity of positive three so Sam also have a positive two or positive for as well.
What are actinides
Atomic number is 89 through 103. Here are reactive and Matt made elements of short half lives and radiate they might have occurred on early earth door now only synthetic.
What is the periodic law
If the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic mass (number), a pattern can be seen in which the properties repeat on a regular basis.