23. Great Vessel Development Flashcards
how many aortic arches are there & how do they form
6 (but the 5th doesnt form)
form via vasculogenesis & angiogenesis
where do the dorsal aortae fuse & what do they become
at T4
become descending thoracic & abdominal aorta
what branch from the dorsal aortae
intersegmental As
how many intersegmental As are there
cervical = 7
thoracic = 12
lumbar = 5
what forms the vertebral As
anastomisis btn cervical intersegmental As 1-6
& roots drop out
what happens to the 7th intersegmental A
L = left subclavian A
R = part of R subclavian A
what forms the R subclavian A
R 7th intersegmental A = distal
dorsal aorta = middle
R IV AA = proximal
what do the thoracic intersegmental As become
anastamosis w/ each other –> internal thoracic As
intersegmentals become intercostal As
what do the lumbar intersegmental As form
superior epigastic A
what do the 5th lumbar intersegmental As become
common illiac A
what happens to the umbilical As from the embryo to birth
branch off dorsal aorta
- connect to umbilicus
- have a branch going to bladder –> become superior vascicular A
- form new connection from distal end to 5th lumbar intersegmental A –> become umbilical As after birth
- initial connection from dorsal aorta disappear & connection to umbilicus becomes medial umbilical ligament
what does the III AA become
R & L common carotid A & part of internal carotid A
-external carotid will branch from common carotid
what forms internal carrotic A
III AA & dorsal aorta
what does the L IV AA become
part of aortic arch
(rest of aortic arch from aortic sac, L dorsal aorta before & after 7th intersegmental A)
what does the R IV AA make
proximal R subclavian A
what do the VI AAs become
both - pul A
L - ductus arteriosus
R - goes away
why do the L & R recurrent laryngeal As loop around different areas
L recurrent - around aortic arch bc L VI AA becomes ductus arterosis
R recurrent - around R subclavian bc R VI goes away
what is the flow of fetal circulation
liver –> IVC & RA –> foramen ovale –> LA –> aorta
some to RV –> 90% thru ductus arteriosus –> aorta
what occurs with a patent ductus arteriosus
blood from aorta to pul A
–> blood circulate lungs multiple times so LV hypertrophy to get same amount of blood around
-increase pul resistance –> pul congestion –> CHF
*increased risk w/ maternal rubella*
what is coarctation of aorta
high risk = Turners syndrome pt
aortic lumen distal L subclavian narowed
can be before or after ductus arteriosus
what is the differnce btn postductal & preductal coarctation
postductal - still have collateral circulation thru intercostal & internal thoracic As
preductal - little blood to LE bc no collateral circulation
what happens w/ aberrant origin of R subclavian A
R IV AA & proximal R dorsal aorta obliterate
dysphagia & dyspnea bc cross esophagus
what occurs when there is a vascular ring around trachea & esophagus
double aortic arch
-strangle trachea & esophageal dysfxn
how do you get a R aortic arch
left IV AA & L dorsal aorta obliterate so R side takes over
-dyspena & dysphagia bc L subclavian before esophagus & ligamentum arterosum infront of trachea
which congenital defect has increased risk with DiGeorge syndrome
interrupted arotic arch
- L IV AA gone - aortic arch doesnt form & R IV AA gone -part of R subclavian doesnt form
- ductus arteriosus stays open - descending aorta * subclavian A wupplied w/ deoxy blood
what happens in ther vitelline system
form hepatic sinusoid w/i liver primordia
–> blood flow chagned toward R side of liver
–> R side –> R hepatocardiac channel –> form IVC
-L goes away
what occurs with the umbilical system
connect hepatic sinusoids
-every part except L distal umbilical V remains –> form ductus venosus
becomes ligamentum teres hepatus & ligamentum venosum after birth
what does the R & L ant cardinal V form
L brachiocephalic V
what does the right common carotid V become
what happens to L ant cardinal V & L CCV
disappear as L brachiocephalic V forms
remaining forms coronary sinus
what do the post cardinal Vs form
subcardial part make Vs associated w/ kidneys, gonads & abd IVC
supracardial part makes part of IVC & azygous V