What is good conduct?
behaving well
What is morality
what is right and wrong
Why do Christians believe God is the source of morality?
Because God is omnipotent and omniscient
What rules do protestants follow?
Sola scriptura and sola fide
What rules do Catholics follow?
Natural moral law
What rules do situation ethicists follow?
Why is good conduct important?
- allows for a place in heaven
What moral rules are in the sermon on the mount?
- love thy enemy
- turn the other cheek
Why are there disagreements between christians regarding good conduct?
- due to different sources of authority
What are the three types of justification
- justification by faith
- justification by works
- justification by predestination
Define Dikaioo
What is justification by faith
becoming righteous due to belief in andd grace of God
Finish the quote by St Paul “since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God …
“they are justified by his grace”
How can christians be justified by faith?
by putting faith in Jesus and gods grace
How does the story of Abraham and Isaac support justification by faith?
Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son due to command of God
Who argues for justification by works?
Author of the letters of James and the Catholic Church
Finish the quote from James 2:14-26 “faith apart from ….
Works is dead
How does the parable of the sheep and goats support justification by works?
Jesus states people will be judged for their actions
What is sola fide
Faith alone
Who argues for sola fide
Martin Luther
What justification does sola fide support?
Justification by faith
Complete the quote by Adair “we are justified upon both faith and…
Good works
What is predestination?
The idea that god has already decided our fate
Criticism of predestination?
Undermines free will
How does the concept of hell limit human free will?
People may obey god due to fear or punishment
What did Pelagius argue about predestination?
He rejected it as it undermines free will
According to Pelagius why could humanity not have been tainted with the original sin?
Because God made everything good
What is double predestination?
God predestines some to heaven and some to hell
Finish Calvin’s quote “some are ordained
To eternal glory and others to eternal torment
What is the sanctity of life?
Human life is sacred
Biblical support for sanctity of life
Genesis 1:26 - “in god’s image”
Genesis 2:7 “god breathed the breath of life into Adam”
What is intrinsic value?
Something that has value in itself
What is the strong sanctity of life?
Human life is sacred to God
What is the weak sanctity of life?
Human life is sacred but the value of the life needs to be taken into account
According to the strong sanctity of life when does personhood begin?
At moment of conception
Finish the quote from Jeremiah 1.5 “before I formed you in …
The womb I knew you
What is the UK law on embryo research?
Embryos can be tested on up until 14 days
What is the Christian conservative stance on embryo research
Life is sacred so it is impermissible
What sanctity of life principle does the Church of England follow?
Weak sanctity of life
Strength of strong sanctity of life
Protects all life
Weakness of sanctity of life
Ignores quality of life
Strength of weak sanctity of life
Weakness of weak sanctity of life
Goes against biblical teachings
What is the just war theory?
Terms and conditions of when war can be justified
How did the just war theory develop?
Due to teachings from the sermon on the mount
What is Jus ad bellum?
Conditions under which you can go to war
What are the conditions of Jus ad bellum
- just cause
- legitimate authority
- right intention
- high chance of success
- war as last resort
- proportionality
What is jus in bello?
The rules in war
What are the rules under Jus in bello
- discrimination; only fight against soldiers
- war has to be a means to an end
3 types of weapons of mass destruction
- chemical
- biological
- nuclear
What is a problem of WMDs
They do not discriminate in terms of who they kill
Who urged for a ban of WMDs in 2013?
The Pope
How might Christians justify WMDs?
They can act as a deterrent
What is dominionship?
Power over
What is stewardship?
Have care for the earth
Support for dominionship (little less than God)
Humans are created little less than God so have dominion
Support for dominionship (imago dei)
Humans made in the image of God - Genesis 1:26
What is the hierarchy of souls?
Humans have the highest status due to having a rational soul
How does the hierarchy of souls support dominionship?
Humans are at the top so have power
How can the universe have intrinsic value?
Because God created it
What is Augustine’s principle of plentitude?
All creation shows depth of God’s power
What is eco theology
Religion responding to human destruction of the environment
Who argued that there has been promotion of misguided anthropomorphism?
Pope Francis
What is misguided anthropomorphism?
The mistaken belief that humans are at the centre of the universe