Define A posteriori
depending on sense experience
Define A priori
before sense experience - using logic
Define synthetic statement
A statement which is determined by sense experience
Define analytical statement
Statements which are true by definition
Define inductive argument
Using empirical evidence to prove a conclusion
Define deductive argument
If the premsises are true then the conclusion is true
Define premise
A proposition/statement which helps to support a conclusion
Define subject
Refering to who or what the sentence is about
Define predicate
Gives information about the subject
Define necessary
Something that cannot not exsist/be false
Define contingent
A being/statement that relies on something else to exist/does not have to exist
Define analogy
Applying ingotmation or meaning from one subject to another
Define teleological
Define anthropomorphism
attributing human form or ideas to beings other than humans
What are normative ethical theories?
Ethical theories which tell you how you ought to behave
What does ‘deon’ mean
What are deontological ethics?
Actions are intrinsically right or wrong
What are teleological ethics?
Morality of an action is based on the consequences of the action
What are character based ethics?
morality is dependent on the character of a person
What are other terms to refer to teleological ethics?
Relative and consequentialist
What are other terms to refer to deontological ethics?
Absolute and fixed