What are the three meanings and purposes of life for Christians?
- to glorify god
- to being about God’s kingdom
- to prepare for judgement
Finish the quote from Genesis 1: 26-28 “Be fruitful …
and multiply and fill the earth”
What is imago dei?
Humans made in the image of God
Finish the quote from Genesis 1:27 “so God created mankind …
in his own image”
Define the word ‘kabod’
How can Christians use god’s glory in their lived?
By living good lives
Finish the quote from Genesis 2:7-8 “God formed man of dust from the ground …
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
What does Genesis 2:7-8 suggest about human relationships with God?
It is personal
3 ways in which christians can build a relationship with God
- communicating in prayer
- studying the bible
- modeling life on Jesus
What is the original sin?
Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit
What was the consequence of the original sin on all humans?
All humans are born with the original sin
How did humans make up for the original sin?
through the doctrine of atonement
How can humans complete their renconcilliation?
by facing judegment at the end of their lives
what is the significance of Matthew 25:31-46?
Parable of sheep and goats showing how humans will be judged
How does the Lord’s prayer refer to kingdom of God?
“Your kingdom come, your will be done”
How can humans bring about God’s kingdom?
By acting as God’s stewards on earth
What is a contemplative life for humans?
Where their life is a lifelong journey of prayer and contemplation
What does Christianity teach about resurrection?
Jesus died and rose from the dead
What is Jesus’ life symbolic of?
Everlasting life that comes from God
Why is the ressurection so significant for Christians?
Highlights importance of the doctrine of atonement
Finish the quote Daniel 12:2 “many of those who sleep …
“in the dust of the earth shall wake”
Define dualism
belief in 2 substances - body and soul
How was plato a dualist?
He argued that there are 2 worlds - the world of appearances and the world of forms
Where do Christians get their idea of soul?
Plato’s philosophy and Jewish tradition
What type of resurrection did Augustine believe in?
Resurrection of the flesh
Why did Augustine believe in resurrection of the flesh?
as the physical and spiritual effects of the original sin would be removed
Finish the quote 1 Corinthians 15:42-54 “we shall not all sleep …
“but we shall all be changed”
What type of resurrection did St Paul support?
What does the concept of resurrection offer to christians?
Hope of an afterlife
Why were Catholics against cremation?
It goes against the belief of resurrection
Why are protestants more likely to accept cremation?
They believe in spiritual resurrection
What do christians will happen on the day of judgmenet
- angel will blow the trumpet
- all will be raised
- all will be judged based on deeds in the book of life
Finish the quote: Revelation 20:11-12 “I saw the dead, great …
and small, standing before the throne and the books were opened”
What will happen to those who are judged to be holy? [catholic church]
they will go to heaven
What will happen to those who are judged to have commited mortal sins? [catholic church]
they will go to hell
What will happen to those who are judged to have commited venial sins?
they will go to purgatory to be purified
How does the Bible describe hell?
- a fiery furnace
- gnashing of teeth
Why did conservative christians believe judgement to be physical?
- christians were tortured and killed under Roman opression
what punishments were christians under roman rules forced to undergo?
- hanged
- burnt at stake
- mutilation of limbs
How does the Bible support judgment as physical?
Hell as a dark, firey place
How did the church focus on suffering as a punishment?
- argued the plague was a punishment for human sin
What is the impact of judgement as physical on christians?
Christians will lead a virtuous life to get to heaven
what are spiritual ideas of heaven and hell?
heaven = soul experiencing pleasure and joy
heaven = mental torment and pain
why do some christians believe judgment is psychological?
there is no empirical evidence of heaven and hell
What can following Jesus’ actions lead to?
heaven on earth
How does John Milton support judgement as psychological?
“the mind is its own place, and itself can make a heaven and hell”
What did Carl Jung argued a spiritually fulfilled person experiences?
state of contentment
What did Carl Jung argued a psychologically conflicted person experiences?
How can people escape psychological hell?
Through therapy
What is objective immortality?
individuals remain forever in the mind of God when they die
what is subjective immortality?
humans will still exist as independent, thinking beings