Define monotheism
Belief in one God
Define transcendent
God is above and beyond time and space
Define anthropomorphism
Describing God using human qualities
How does Genesis 3:8 highlight anthropomorphism in the bible?
Adam and Eve “heard God’s footsteps walking in the Garden of Eden”
Complete the quote Isaiah 44:6 “I am the first ….
“and the last”
What is ethical monotheism?
Morality comes from one God
Define ex deo
Out of God’s being
Define Ex nihilo
out of nothig
Process theologians translation of Genesis 1
“the earth being without form and void”
Finish the quote from 1 Corinthians 8:6 “yet for us there is one God …
“from whom all things came and for whom we live”
Finish the quote from 1 Corinthians 2:11 “No one comprehends the thoughts of God ….
“except the spirit of God”
Finish the quote from Exodus 3:14 “I am …
“who I am”
What qualities of God does Exodus 3:14 “I am who I am” highlight?
God as transcendent and unknowable
What is the doctrine of the Trinity?
That God is in three forms
Define incarnate
God in human flesh/form
Finish the quote from John 10:30 “I and the …
“Father are one”
Define hypostases
God in three forms
Define perichoresis
relationship of the three forms of the trinity under one godhead
Explain the role of God the father in allowing atonement
God the Father sent the Son to die to redeem humans for sin
Explain the role of God the son in allowing atonement
The son dying allowed for atonement
Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in allowing atonement
Holy Spirit gives new birth in Jesus so humans can have hope of salvation
Explain the role of the trinity in allowing a personal relationship with humans
God the father is transcendent, God the son and holy spirit make God immanent
One issue with translating 1 Corinthians 8:6
mistranslation due to language
What is the ultimate form of anthropomorphism in Christianity?
God is the son within the holy trintiy
Issues with describing God as human
- limits God’s power
What qualities does God the Father represent?
power, strength, authority, wisdom, love
How does the Lord’s prayer highlight the role of God as Father?
“give us our daily bread”
How is God as love proven?
God sent his only son to die to atone for human sins
Define substitutionary atonement
atonement via Jesus’ sacrifice
Finish the quote from John 3:16 “For God so loved …
“the world that he gave his only son”
How does the golden rule prove God’s love?
it promotes agape love
What qualities does God as king represent?
Absoloute power
What is a feminist critique to gender specific anthropomorphism?
Promotes male sex as supereior
Finish Hampson’s critique of gender specific language in the Bible “I have concluded that fundamental to the Abrahamic religions …
“is the qill to subvert women and establish man as the norm”
How does Process Theodicy prove that God is not omnipotent?
God is constantly changing and growing
How does Process Theodicy prove that God is not creator?
God persuaded existing matter to come into order
define pantheistic relationship
God and the universe exist together
How does quantum mechanics support process theodicy
it suggests the universe is in a constant state of flux and change
How can God’s lack of omnipotence be seen as a strenght?
solves the problem of evil