004 Good conduct and key moral principles Flashcards
What is the buddhist term for morality?
Finish this quote by the buddha: “cease to do evil, learn to do good …
purify the mind, this is the teachings of all the buddhas
What makes an action good or bad according to sila?
Finish the quote by the buddha: “ You yourselves ought to do …
what ought to be done”
Finish the quote: “as you shall sow you shall …
reap the fruits”
what are kusala actions?
skilful actions
what are akusala actions?
unskilful actions
What are the 3 roots of immoral actions?
- greed
- hatred
- delusion
What are the 3 roots of moral actions?
- generosity
- compassion
- wisdom
why is good conduct important to lay buddhists?
so that they can achieve nirvana
Buddhists have no free will - paticassamupadda
rebecoming teaches that a person’s decisions over their past lives conditions the kind of person they are in the future
Buddhists do have free will - buddha’s teachings
The buddha taught that all have the ability to make free choices
What are the three parts of sila?
- right view
- right intention
- right livelihood
what is the consequence of action determined more on?
- intention
What are the 5 precepts lay buddhists must follow?
- to abstain from taking life
- to abstain from taking what is not given
- to abstain from sensuous misconduct
- to abstain from false speech
- to abstain from intoxicants as tending to cloud the mind
What are the 5 additional precepts for lay buddhists?
- not taking food after midday
- no entertainment
- no personal adornements
- no high seats or beds
- no accepting money, gold or silver
What is another term for 6 perfections?
who are the 6 paramitas applicable to?
Mahayana Buddhists
What are the 6 perfections?
- generosity
- wisdom
- morality
- meditation
- zeal
- patience
What is the perfection of generosity?
giving from sincere desire to benefit others without expectation of reward or recognition
What is the perfection of wisdom?
realising the truth of shunyata and how it underpins every aspect of existence
What is the perfection of morality?
practicing right thought and speech
What is the perfection of meditation?
discipline to cultivate the mind
What is the perfection of zeal?
making courageous effort to realise enlightenment
What is the perfection of patience?
being able to withstand hardship, others and accepting the truth
What do the 6 perfections help MBs to do?
master fundamental principles to reach enlightenment
How do the 6 perfections differ from the 5 precepts of TBs?
the 5 precepts are deontological whilst the 6 perfections are positive characteristics to cultivate
Define ahimsa
Who does ahimsa apply to?
all buddhists
What is Thich Nhat Hahn’s view on weapons of mass destructions
He opposes them
Finish the quote by the Buddha: “hatred does not cease by hatred
but only by love”
Define pacifism
War and violence are unjustifiable
Who reformed his military ways to follow pacifism?
3rd century emperor Ashoka
When does life begin according to buddhists?
at conception
Finish the quote by Harvey: “Abortion is said to break the first precept ….
as it cuts off precious human rebirth
One reasons for abortion according to buddhists
to preserve the mothers life - bigger species have bigger karma
One reason against abortion according to buddhists
abortion stops a being from being reborn
One reason for embryo research according to buddhists
helps people live lives without suffering
One reason against embryo research according to buddhists
goes against ahimsa
One reason for animal use according to buddhists
animals are in a lower realm and have less karma
One reason against animal use according to buddhists
animals are sentient beings who have the ability achieve a higher rebirth
One reason for war according to buddhists
to defend innocent lives
One reason against war according to buddhists
breaks ahimsa