1.3 Cosmological argument Flashcards
Define cosmos
What type of argument is the CA?
What was Aquinas’ main work?
Summa theologica
What is the kalam argument?
If the universe is not infinite then there must have been a beginning
What are the 2 assumptions the cosmological argument is based on?
1) the universe exists
2) There must be a reason why
Define infinite regress
Going back in time to infinity
Explain way 1
a. objects are in motion
b. there cannot be an infinite regress of movers
c. there must be a prime mover
Explain way 2
a. everything that exists must have a cause
b. there cannot be an infinite regress of causers
c. there must be an uncaused cause
Define ex nihilo nihil fit
out of nothing, notjing can come
Explain way 3
a. contingent things exist
b. there cannot be an infinite regress of contingent things
c. there must be a necessary being
Finish the quote by Aquinas: “We find in nature things
that are possible to be and not to be”
What is Hume’s argument on the problem of induction?
Making a connection between two separate events. It is wrong to make a connection between God, the first cause and the effect being the earth’s creation
Explain Hume’s criticism of human lack of experience
Humans have no direct experience of creating the universe so we cannot speak meaningfully of its existence
Explain Hume’s criticism of the universe as a necessary being
“why may not the material universe be the necessarily-existent being”
Explain Hume’s criticism of the CA as contradictory
If nothing can come from nothing shouldn’t God have a cause
Explain Hume’s criticism of assumption of causation
The universe is itself uncaused - it is wrong to assume it was caused by something else
Define the fallacy of composition
Falsly linking parts of something to a whole
Explain fallacy of composition with an example
all humans have a mother does not mean the entire human race has a single mother
Explain how the fallacy of composition criticises the CA
Just because everything in the universe is contingent does not mean that the universe itself is contingent
What is Russell’s brute fact
“The universe is just there, that is all”
How does the steady state theory criticise way 3
SST argues the universe is eternal
What is occam’s razor?
Take the simplest answer
How can occam’s razor support the cosmological argument?
God is the simplest explanation for the existence of the universe