1st AID/CPR/AED Flashcards
Before you provide first aid, it’s important to:
Ask the ill or injured person if you can help
What do you do if the person responds?
Introduce yourself as a first aid provider before you touch them and ask if you can help
What do you do if the person refuses your help?
Phone your emergency response yourself and stay with them until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over
What do you do if the person cannot answer?
Assume they want your help
As you approach the scene consider:
Are they in danger?
Who can phone for help?
Who/how many are injured?
Where are you?
What is the point of universal precautions?
To protect you and your co-workers
What carries diseases sometimes?
Blood, saliva, and urine
What protects you?
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
What are three examples of bloodborne diseases?
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
What is the chain of survival?
Phone for help Early CPR (compressions) Rapid AED use Effective advanced care Coordinated care afterward
What are the steps for phoning for help if you are alone?
- Yell for help while you start to check the ill or injured person
- If no one answers and immediate care isn’t needed leave for a moment to phone for help and get the first aid kid and AED if possible
How do you remove gloves?
First grip one glove on the outside of the cuff and peel it off, inside out. Then cup the inside out glove with the gloved hand and use two fingers of the bare hand to peel the second glove off with the first inside. Finally out the gloves in a biohazard waste bag.
What are the steps to finding the problem?
- Make sure the scene is safe
- Verbalize putting on gloves
- Check for response- tap and shout
- Tell someone to phone 911 and get an AED
- Check for breathing or gasping for 5-10 seconds
- Look for obvious signs of injury
- Verbalize checking for medical ID
What are the steps for using an epi pen?
- Make sure the scene is safe
- Take off safety cap
- Press the epi pen firmly against the outer side of the person’s thigh, halfway between the hip and knee and hold it there for 10 seconds
- Remove the pen by pulling the pen straight out from leg
What are the symptoms of breathing problems?
Breathing very fast or very slow, having trouble with every breath, noisy breathing, can only make sounds or few words in between breaths
What are the symptoms of choking?
Cannot breathe, falls, makes sounds, has a soundless cough, and make choking sign
What are the symptoms of a heart attack?
Chest discomfort (uncomfortable squeezing, pressure, fullness) shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea
What are the symptoms of diabetes/low blood sugar?
Sweating, sleepy, hungry, thirsty, weak, confused
What are the symptoms of a head, neck, or spine injury?
Does not reposed or only moans, acts sleepy or confused, vomits, has trouble seeing, walking, or moving, has a seizure
What are the symptoms of an electrical injury?
Burns on the outside of body and wounds or marks where electricity has entered/left body
What actions should be taken for breathing problems?
Help assemble and use inhalers
What actions should be taken for choking?
Heimlich maneuver (upward abdominal thrusts)
What actions should be taken for a heart attack?
Be prepared for CPR and have them chew 1-2 aspirins if able
What actions should be taken for diabetes/ low blood sugar?
Have them eat something high in sugar and sit or lay down