1.7. Tathasutta Real (SN 56:27; V 435) Flashcards
tathāni avitathāni anaññathāni
”Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri ariyasaccāni tathāni avitathāni anaññathāni; tasmā ‘ariyasaccānī’ti vuccanti.”
“real, not unreal, not otherwise.” All three terms are neuter plural adjectives in agreement with ariyasaccāni. Tathā is originally an adverb of manner, “thus,” turned into an adjective. The four truths are tathāni, “real, actual,” because they accord with reality. Avitathāni is the negation (by the prefix a-) of an absence (by the prefix vi-), thus a double negation meaning “not devoid of reality, not unreal.” Anaññathāni is another negation of an adjective based on an adverb, aññathā, “otherwise,” hence meaning “not otherwise,” not other than the way things are.
tasmā “ariyasaccānī”ti vuccanti
”Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri ariyasaccāni tathāni avitathāni anaññathāni; tasmā ‘ariyasaccānī’ti vuccanti.”
“therefore they are called ‘noble truths.’” On this explanation, ariyasacca is a kammadhāraya compound, “a truth that is noble.”