16 Respiratory System (Lecture) Flashcards
Pulmonary Ventilation
gas exchange between atomosphere and lungs
Pulmonary exchange
exchange of gases between the lungs and blood
systemic exchange
occurs at capillaries all over the body O2 in CO2 out
- Regulate pH
pH always does the opposite of what CO2 is doing. CO2 rises pH falls and vica versa
respiratory system enables
vocal communication
mucous production is what type of mechanism
where is the upper respiratory tract
from nose to larnyx
where is the lower respiratory tract
larynx to bronchioles
conduction zone
conducts air into the alveoli. no gas exchange in conduction zone.
respiratory zone
lung tissue that contains pulmonary capillaires this is where gas exchange occurs.
hyline cartilage plates
dorsum nasi
what holds the nose open
external nares
transition zone of nasal vestibule
stratum corneum to mucosa on inside of nose
Why does your nose run when you cry
tears run into the lacrimonasal canal
hard palate
maxilla and palatine bone
soft palate
smooth muscle covered by mucous memebrane
bones of nasal superior boarder
sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal
Nasal septum
seperates R & L nostril
The conchea or turbinates
3 ridges superior, middle, inferior
Internal nares
back of the nasal cavity
Paranasal sinuses
(maxillary sinuses), above the eyes (frontal sinuses), between the eyes (ethmoidal sinuses), and behind the ethmoids (sphenoidal sinuses)
The Pharynx begins ___________. and extends to ________?
internal nares and the tip of the uvula
Nasopharnx begins ___________ and exttends to __________? For ___________ to pass only.
internal nares and the tip of the uvula
air only no food
Oropharnyx begins _________ and extends to ___________?
uvula to hyoid bone
Laryngopharynx begins _________ and extends to __________? For __________ to pass.
hyoid bone to bottom of larnynx
food and air
moveable cartilage covers airway when you swallow
opening to trachea
vocal folds (true)
vocal cords produce speech
vestibular folds (false)
don’t produce speech. closes throat
Cricoid cartilage
encircicles the trachea holds open
arytenoid cartilages
posterior side
corniculate cartilages
tips or arytenoids
first part of lower respiratory tract
Inner most layer of the trachea
what type of cells are found in mucosa
goblet cells make mucous and stem cells make new mucosa
what is found in the submucosa
smooth muscle and serous glands
rings of catilage
last tracheal cartilage contains sensory structures. responsible for deep coughing
Primary bronchi
split off of trachea and enter lungs
the point where the bronchi enter lungs
Lobar bronchi
also secondary bronchi
lobes how many and where
3 on the right 2 on the left
bronchi in order
primary secondary teritary bronchioles
Pulmonary capillaries
surrond the outside of lung tissue
The alveoli contain what type of cells
simple squamous epithelia that make up lung tissue
goblet cells mucus making cells
septal cells secrete surfactant (holds lungs open)
Alveolar macrophage
each alveoli has its own macrophage
Right lung
3 lobes, horizontal fissure seperates superior lobe from middle lobe, oblique fissure seperates middle lobe from inferior lobe
Lung fissures
bands of tendons that seperate the lobes
Left lung
2 lobes, cardiac notch where heat sits (indent)
part of lung that sticks out under the cardiac notch
- Pleural membranes
serous membranes
Parietal membranes
attach to chest wall
Visceral membrane
attaches to the surface of the lungs
What is between the parietal and visceral membranes
a thin layer of fluid
Diaphragm controls?
normal resting breathing
muscle that expands the lungs
Inspiration occurs…
when the diaphragm contracts
Exhilation occurs…
when the diaphragm relaxes
muscles that control forceful inhilationn
ext. intercostals, scalenes, and ext. obliques
muscles that control forceful exhilation
int. intercostals, rectus abdominis
can alter breathing rate
normal resting breathing rate control it through the phrenic nerve
higher brain
cortex involved in breathing because you can choose to breath or not
carbon monoxide
odorless colorless gas that binds irriversible with hemoglobin. make hemoglobin unable to carry O2
*Respiratory alkalosis
the pH of the blood is rising beyond normal. CO2 down pH up.
decreases CO2 in the blood causes pH to rise. Breath in a bag to increase CO2.
*Respiratory acidosis
the pH of the blood is falling CO2 is rising
*shallow breathing
due to stroke in the medulla can result in respiratory acidosis.