14.7 Development, Growth Of Personality Flashcards
Did Adler agree with the Psychoanalytic theory of Development?
No, he did not view the infant as a small sexual animal but rather helpless. These feelings of helplessness and inferiority motivate individual to overcome them.
Freud defined 5 stages in psychosexual development. Name them.
1) Oral (age 0-1,5)
2) Anal (age 1-3)
3) Phallic (age 2-6)
4) Latency (age 5-12)
5) Genital (puberty upwards)
Which personality type is associated with the Oral stage in psychosexual development?
Oral-dependent type:
Cheerful, optimistic, seeks approval
Oral-aggressive type:
Argumentative, “bitingly sarcastic, pessimistic, cynical
Which personality type can be associated with Anal stage in psychosexual development?
Anal-retentive type: obstinate (refusing to change views), orderly, punctual, intolerant of ambiguity (dubbelsinnigheid)
Anal-expulsive type: destructive, impulsive, cruel, disorderly, sees others as object to possess.
Which personality types can be associated with the Phallic stage of psychosexual development?
Phallic male: boastful, Don Juan, tries to win others over
Phallic female: flirtatious, seductive, naive
Which personality types can be associated with the Genital stage of psychosexual development?
Genital type: this is the ideal character type. Person has developed mature socialsexual relationships
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Development is based on 2 premises. What are they?
- Childhood experiences play a critical role in shaping adult personality + gender identification
- Certain amount of sexual energy is present at birth and continues to progress through stages
Psychosexual development is biologically determined and occurs in the same sequence in all cultures. What is the result if a stage is not completely resolved?
Fixation. This refers to being stranded in the tasks of a previous stage.
Explain the Oedipus conflict.
This is a task from the Phallic stage. It relates to a boy’s sense to compete with his father for the mother’s affection.
The opposite is the Electra complex where a girl has the sense to compete with her mother for her father’s affection.
Childhood is characterised by 2 needs. What are they?
Basic needs (food ect) Need for safety
Jung emphasised the notion of Individuation. Explain.
The process of becoming differentiated as an individual.
When does Individuation occur according to Jung?
Throughout life
with its peak in adulthood around middle age.
What is the peak of Individuation characterised by?
Increased growth and transformation through self-exploration + the discovery of inner resources.
Jung was the first to define introversion and extraversion. Define.
Introversion - state or tendency to being predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life
Extraversion - act, state or habit of being predominantly concerned with obtaining gratification from outside the self
What is the MBTI Myer-Briggs Type Indicator used for?
It is a personality inventory, extremely useful in career determination. Introversion and extraversion is two of the main factors in this model.
Name the 2 projective tests Jung’s concepts relied on to measure personality.
TAT - Thematic Apperception Test
Rorschach Inkblot Test
What is the purpose of projective tests?
It works from the premise that an individual will use inner desires to respond to unstructured stimuli - thus “projecting inner” and often unconscious feelings and thoughts into answering such stimuli.
Erikson also differed from Freud - who claimed personality forms in the first 6 years. How?
Erikson believed personality developed over the entire lifespan.
What is Erikson best know for?
His 8 stages of psychosocial development called “8 Ages of Man”. Here he describes the impact of social experiences across lifespan.
Each stage has a crisis which has both a negative and positive component.
The Oral stage of Freud is equal to which stage from Erikson?
Trust vs Mistrust
Which stage in Erikson’s stages compare with the Anal stage of Freud?
Autonomy vs doubt
Which stage in Erikson’s theory compare equal to Freud’s Phallic stage?
Initiative vs guilt
Which stage in Erikson’s stages compare with that of Freud’s Latent period?
Industry vs inferiority
Which stage of Erikson compare with that of Freud’s Genital stage?
Identity vs role confusion
Which stage of Erikson’s compare to Freud’s adulthood stage of genital stage which lasts throughout adulthood?
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation and
Integrity vs despair
What did Adler believe set the stage for later psychological development in life?
The first 5 years
Who believed that a child’s birth order in the family determined how he / she would be treated?
Who believed that the ego could function separately from the ID
could be conflict free in certain areas
such as work?
Who proposed the 4 stages in the process of separation and individuation?
Which 2 authors believed that teams in organisations also have identities and egos and that it is the leader’s role to manage and protect the identity?
Koortzen and Cilliers
Koortzen and Cilliers believed conflict in groups were inevitable but that the anxiety could be contained by managing certain boundaries. What model did they suggest?
C - conflict I - identity B - boundaries A - authorisation R - roles T - tasks of teams