13: Syncope and HTN Flashcards
causes of transient LOC that are not considered syncope
SZRs, sleep disturbances (narcolepsy), trauma, hypoglycemia, intoxication, psychogenic syncope
definition of orthostatic hypotension
reduction in systolic BP of 20+ or diastolic of 10+ within 3 minutes of standing
two syncope cases that can be discharged and managed as outpatient
- neurally mediated syncope
2. cardiac syncope with no serious medical conditions
three examples of physical counterpressure maneuvers for syncope
- leg crossing
- handgrip
- arm tensing
most common COD in HTN pts
heart problems
two organs that can be both the target and the cause of HTN
kidney, peripheral arteries
labs to order when testing for hypertension
- lipid panel
- UA
three pts that are automatically placed in the HTN high risk cateogry where the estimated 10 year CVD risk is >10%
- DM
- age 65+
labs and imaging to order for a pt in hypertensive emergency
- UA, electrolytes, creatinine
- +/- cardiac biomarkers, CT head