12: Resistance Training Flashcards
where is most of the energy accounted for during properly performed size and strength training?
muscle glycogen and/or muscle glycogen and oxygen. It comes from whatever has already been stored in the muscles.
Post-Workout blood glucose levels are severely reduced when training for size and strength, fasted. true or false
false. very little energy is taken up into the cells from blood during properly performed size and strength training.
How many times a week should you train for general fitness and stamina?
two times per week
what is the rep range and set range for general fitness and stamina?
12 to 15 reps for anywhere between 3 and 8 sets
NFPT recommends what percent training weight for first and second warm-up sets?
40% for the first set and 50% for the second set
what are the three Soma types and what do they mean?
endomorph is someone who has a hard time losing weight, mesomorph is someone who has a natural athletic build, ectomorph is someone who has a hard time gaining weight
Best method to train a beginner and otherwise sedentary client is one that targets the _______ motor units for a period of ______ to ____weeks.
red, slow twitch; 4 to 6 weeks
where is a good place to start with a beginner client that does not require calculations for one rep max?
have the client do an exercise a total of 29 times. if they can accomplish this then have them do the same exercise 20 times with a reasonable amount of weight
what should the percentage resistance intensity (percent of one rep max) be for your beginner client?
50 to 60% resistance intensity
there is a _______ relationship between strength and endurance.
How should you have your client warm up before conducting a test for one rep max?
start with 5 to 10 reps of a lightweight, 40 to 60% perceived Max, 1 minute rest;
increase weight slightly for 12 to 15 reps 60 to 80% of perceived Max, 1 minute rest;
increase load 5 to 10% and perform repetitions with goal of 10
what is the Brzycki formula for calculating one RepMax?
1RM = w ÷ [(1.0278) - (.0278 x r)]
what percent of your one rep max should you lift if your goal is strength?
70 to 100%
what is the percent one repmax range if your client goal is fat loss and endurance?
55 to 80%
what percent of your one repmax should you be using if your client goal is general fitness?
60 to 70%
what percent one rep max and rep range should you use for sedentary and beginner clients?
you should use the fat loss/ endurance goal type 55 to 80%, one Rep Max and 20 to 25 rep range
what is the general rule of thumb for athletes with how much to increase volume regarding endurance and volume regarding resistance?
increase volume no more than 10% in a given week with endurance and not more than 10% in a given month for resistance
what is the overloading principle?
gradually stressing your client’s muscles with a greater load in order to increase in strength or with a longer duration to increase time for endurance
if a client has some joint pain doing sets of four to six reps, what should you have them do?
replace some sets with 12 to 15 rep range
How should you direct your client to warm up for resistance training, especially in the four to six rep range?
start with a 5 to 8 minute warm-up and then use a moderate weight for as many reps as necessary to re-establish the strict form they used last time they perform the movement
what can happen if you go beyond failure or perform too many heavy sets?
you may be smashing the actin and myosin making it very difficult if not impossible to repair
what is collateral circulation?
circulation and tissue (blood vessels) where numerous paths exist for blood to reach it.
Usually an alternate route for blood flow when a vein or artery is blocked because of damage.
what does the 12 to 15 rep range provide, especially when using rest pause technique?
optimization of building greater energy stores and/or new myofibrils
what is the reason for doing 20 to 25 rep sets?
(high intensity ) to build new mitochondria/ improving the endurance capability of working muscles by increased energy stores;
(low intensity ) purposely expend as much stored glycogen as possible, maximizing fat mobilization during recovery
what are the big four R’s?
routine, rep range, recovery and rate of perceived exertion
what is the most effective method of getting the same total reps in each set regardless of the rep range used?
extending rest time between sets
which performance goal ranges are within the other one? general fitness or fat loss/ endurance?
general fitness ranges of percent 1 repmax and number of sets falls within the ranges of fat loss/ endurance goals.
what type of split should someone seeking general fitness have each week?
2-Day split
what is the muscle outcome for general fitness?
Choose one:
wellness/stamina or
wellness/ stamina
what is the purpose of massaging between light sets?
to remove lactic acid
what is the purpose of mild stretching between heavy sets?
to allow more complete contractions in the following sets
what are seven considerations that you should take when a client is not progressing?
decrease number of sets for a specific movement,
increase number of days between workouts,
increase total caloric intake,
consider increasing protein intake,
have the client take a uun test to determine client’s protein needs and imbalances,
check for overtraining,
assess client stress
what are three positives to antagonistic multiset training?
you can get extended rest and lactic acid removal,
there’s forced nervous system relaxation,
The performance of a set for the second body part will actually draw interstitial fluid back into the vessels along with removed lactic acid from the areas around the first antagonistic body part
when designing a circuit routine, what should it always include?
It should include a compound pushing movement alternated with a compound pulling movement and a compound lower body movement
when is it best to start a client off with light dumbbells instead of barbells?
when the client has serious imbalances. they should start training with bands, cables, body weight and light dumbbells in a stable environment
if a client’s goals are specific to size and strength increase, should they use dumbbells or barbells at first?
barbells are recommended to use first
why is it important that the setup time for a heavy set be short?
Time and energy is very valuable and and you don’t want wasted energy taking away from the total number of reps that can be performed
what are training straps good for?
they are good for not allowing the forearms to be a weak link in the chain when trying to train large target muscles like the back
should you lock out during pressing movements in the four to six rep range?
no but you should go through full extension–not a locked position. this allows the weight to continue to be supported by the muscles instead of non-contractile tissue like tendons, ligaments and Bones
why should you not recommend sets of four to six reps for any extension exercise? name two extension exercises.
heavy resistance in stretch position can easily result in tendon of insertion damage.
tricep extensions and leg extensions
what is the valsalva maneuver? How long should this be done? why
It is when you intentionally hold your breath at the point of greatest effort, especially when the weight is greater than 80% of maximum.
It should not be acceptable beyond a few short seconds because it increases blood pressure and deprives the brain of oxygen.
when should it be appropriate to use a weight training belt?
when lifting near maximal weight using heavy weights but not ever for functional fitness clients since the purpose is to train the core through daily activities.
when is the only time knee wraps should be used?
during temporary extreme overload training, when the absolute strength of a movement is the temporary goal
when a client is proficient at exercise, what is the suggestion that a trainer teach a client to do instead of moderate level activity? why?
an active warm-up circuit such as cat, camel, quadruped, cross crawl and glute Bridges.
this prepares the support systems for resistance exercise by constricting blood flow to the organs and digestion and rerouting it to the muscles about to be trained
what are the three major considerations to maintaining a healthy back?
strength, flexibility/mobility, and posture
What is the antagonistic muscle of the spinal erectors?
rectus abdominis, the ab muscles that people refer to as the show muscles
external obliques, internal obliques, and trans versus abdominis provide _____ and _____ as they wrap around the entire trunk in three separate layers.
rotation and stability
How many motions is the back able to move?
six general motions: flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation
what is the most important step to maintaining a healthy back?
proper cure of the back involves a balance of _____ mobility, ____ stability, _____ mobility
thoracic mobility, lumbar stability, and hip mobility
what are contradictions to exercise?
any symptoms of overexertion or injury that may indicate an underlying problem
if a client has a history of significant cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, pacemaker or taking any medications for these, you cannot train them. true or false
false. it is prudent to consult their physician and also discuss appropriate limitations/guidlines for their exercise program
what are some examples of contradictions to exercise?
blurred vision, joint pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, rapid pulse, excessive sweating, extreme muscle soreness, cramping, chest pain