11-6 Abdomen II Flashcards
Small Intestine is the ____ part of the GIT and extends from _____ ____ to _____ ____. It consist of three parts. What are they?
B: Which part is a C-shaped tube surrounding the Pancreas head? Where do these 2 organs lie?
Small Intestine is the LONGEST part of the GIT & extends from STOMACH PYLORUS to iLEOCECAL JUNCTION.
º3 parts= Duodenum –>Jejunum—>iLeum
B: DUODENUM is C-shaped Tube surrounding Pancreas Head.
ºDuodenum & Pancreas lie @ Junction between FOREGUT & MIDGUT (Celiac trunk + [SUP Mesenteric a.]/SMA)
A: The DUODENUM is the __part, C-shpaed tube of the ___ _____ that is described as ________. Is this structure retroperitoneal?
B: Briefly describe the 4 parts of the DUODENUM
º1st SUPERIOR prt [3] (AKA ___ ___/___)
º3rd inferior prt
C: What is the MAJOR duodenal papilla? minor duodenal papilla?
D: Which organ does the DUODENUM surround?
A: DUDODENUM is the 1st part, C-shaped tube of the SMALL INTESTINE = shortest / widest / most FIXD part of small intestine .
º2nd / 3rd parts = Retroperitoneal!»_space;1st part is connected to liver by [hepatoduodenal ligament of lesser omentum]
1st SUP (AKA duodenal bulb/cap)=
ºanterolateral to L1 & NOT RETROPERITONEAL like other parts
ºattached to Greatr/lesser stomach omenta
ºcommon place for duodenal ulcers
º lies R of L2/L3 & receives Major/minor duodenal papilla
3rd inf=
ºANT to L3 –> crosses IVC& [Abd aorta] but is ANTERIORLY CROSSED itself by [SUP Mesenteric a.]/[SUP Mesenteric vein]
ºASCENDS L of L3 –>L2 and ends @ [duodenojejunal flexure] and it’s tethered to Liver by [suspensory ligament of Treitz]
-minor duodenal papilla= opening of [accessory pancreatic duct of santorini]
A: Describe the Pancreas
B: Where is it located? Is it Retroperitoneal?
C: It has ___ PARTS and 2 ducts
D: Describe the PARTS
E: Describe the ducts
º[Main Pancreatic Duct of Wirsung]
º[accessory pancreatic duct of santorini]
B: Lies across POST abd wall from duodenum—>spleen. MOST is RETROPERITONEAL
A: BOTH begin at ____ _____ & ends at the _____ ____ . They are completely covered in ____, which makes them _____ organs. And they are suspended by mesentery from the ____ ___ _____.
B: Describe the mesentery [2]
C: What are the perfused by?
A: BOTH begin at [duodenojejunal flexure] & end at [iLeocecal junction]. BOTH completely covered in PERITONEUM = “INTRAperitoneal Organs” . Are suspended by Mesentery from POST ABD WALL
B: Mesentery= fan-shaped with 2 borders
1. Root/Attached brder= 6 inches long, crosses [3 inf part duodenum ], IVC, (R ureter), (R psoas major)
- FREE brder= 6 METERS long, encloses loops of
C: perfused by [SUP mesenteric a.]
< JeJunum > A: Color B: Wall C: Vascularity / Vasa recta / Arcades D: Mesentery Fat
E: [Peyer patch Lymphoid nodules]
F: [Plicae Circular folds]
< JeJunum > A: Deep Red B: THICK & HEAVY C: Greater / Long VR / few lrge loops D: less mesentery fat
E: few
F: Large, tall & closely packed
>iLeum< A: Color B: Wall C: Vascularity / Vasa recta / Arcades D: Mesentery Fat
E: [Peyer patch Lymphoid nodules]
F: [Plicae Circular folds]
>iLeum< a: pale pink b: thin & light C: less / short vr / MANY LRGE LOOPS D: MORE mesentery fat
E: More
F: scattered & absent in distal part
A: Large Intestine extends from the ____ to __ __ and includes several components. Name these components in order [10]
B: Is this organ retroperitoneal (__)?
C: What perfuses the Large Intestine?
A: Large Intestine extends from CECUM to ANAL CANAL. Includes (in order) 1st i. CECUM //// 1st ii.w/Appendix 2nd. ASCENDING colon 3rd. [R Hepatic colic flexure] 4th. Transverse colon 5th. [L Splenic colic flexture] 6th. DesCending colon 7th. Sigmoid Colon 8th. Rectosigmoid jnction 9th. Rectum 10th. [ANAL CANAL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B: MOST Lrge Intestine = Retroperitoneal(fixed) except 3 parts of appendix, Transverse colon & sigmoid colon[mobile]
C: Perfused by SMA & IMA
Large Intestine Features
A: [Omental Appendices Epiploicae]
B: Taeniae Coli (Omental vs. Free vs. Mesocolic)
C: Haustra Sacculations
Large Intestine Features
A: [OAE]= small pouches of fat tht are absent in CAR[Cecum/Appendix/Rectum]
B: Taeniae Coli= outer thick longitudinal muscle–>forms 3 bands shorter than other layers. Starts at appendix base & ends at Sigmoid Colon
C: Haustra Sacculations=found inbetween [Taeniae Coli] and bulges outward—>form 3 rows of pouches
List the Peritoneal fold coverings for these ____ ____ parts
- Cecum
- Appendix
- Ascending colon
- Transverse colon
- DeScending colon
- Sigmoid Colon
- Rectum
Peritoneal fold coverings for LARGE INTESTING parts
- Appendix = Mesoappendix
- Ascending colon = RETROPERITONEAL
- Transverse colon= Transverse mesocolon
- DeScending colon = RETROPERITONEAL
- Sigmoid Colon[mobile]= Sigmoid Mesocolon
- The Cecum is a ____ sac in the ___ ___ ____ that medially receives what 2 structures?
A: iLeocecal valve(IC)
- Cecum is a BLIND sac in R iLiac Fossa that medially receives APPENDIX & iLEUM
- A: iLeocecal valve(IC)= 2 lip valve 2 cm above Appendix opening tht Guards iLeal opening into cecum
ºtube rich in lymphoid tissue, suspended by [Mesoappendix Peritoneal fold covering]
ºBase serves as meeting point for 3 types of [Taeniae coli]= IMP LNDMRK IN SURGERY
ºhas variable positioning but Retrocecal is most common
A1: Acute Appendicitis [2]
A2: How does Acute Appendicitis Pain get to brain?
B: McBurney’s Point
C: Meckel’s Diverticulum Inflammation [6]
A1: Acute Appendicitis = ºacute appendix inflammation 2º to viral/bacterial infection.
ºMay result in clot thrombosis of appendicular a.[daughter of iLeocolic artery]—>leads to APPENDIX PERFORATION!
B: McBurney’s Point
ºMAX point of tenderness in Acute Appendicitis
ºlocated at Meeting Point 2/3 distance from Umbilicus & 1/3 distance from [R ASIS]
C: Meckel’s Diverticulum Inflammation (AKA Syndrome of 2’s)
ºInflammation of Meckel’s Diverticulum tht presents Same as Acute Appendicitis
º2 feet from IC valve /2 inches long
º2 % of population / 2% symptomatic
º2 types of ectopic tissue (gastric vs. pancreatic)
º2 years of age at clinical presentation
º2 x more common in Boys
«< ASIS= ANT SUP iliac spine»_space;>
What is GIT [PARAsympathetic Autonomic] innervation for….
A: Foregut/Midgut
B: Hindgut
C: All of these fibers are _____[pre/POST ganglionic] and will relay in the ________
PARAsympathetic Autonomic innervation:
A: Foregut/Midgut = Vagus n.
B: Hindgut= [Pelvic splanchnic n. ] -sacral outflow S2, S3, S4
C: All of these fibers are preganglionic and relay in terminal ganglia of their target organs
What is GIT [Sympathetic Autonomic] innervation for….
A1: Foregut/Midgut
A2: What is the nerve route of passage for this section?
B1: Hindgut
B2: What is the nerve route of passage for this section?
Sympathetic Autonomic innervation:
A: FOREGUT/MIDGUT = 3 Thoracic splanchnic nerves
GREatr (T5-T9)—>Celiac sympathetic ganglia
Lesser (T10-T11)—>[SUP mesenteric] sympathetic ganglia
least (T12) —>[prevertebral aorticorenal] sympathetic ganglia
A2: ºAll arise from thoracic prt of sympathetic trunk
—>convey presynaptic sympathetic fibers to distinct prevertebral sympathetic ganglia]
B1: HINDGUT= 4 Lumbar Splanchnic nerves
B2: All arise from Lumbar prt of sympathetic trunk—>convey presynaptic sympathetic fibers to associated [prevertebral ganglia] of those plexuses
1- Which Artery perfuses the Midgut and where does it come from?
2-Describe its Route of Passage from Parent A. to Midgut [4]
3-Describe the 5 artery daughter groups from this artery and what they feed
4- Which daughter artery has special “connections”?
5- Which daughter artery branches to the Right? (vs. all the others which branch to L)
1-[SUP mesenteric Artery/SMA]=2nd unpaired branch from ABD AORTA at level L1
A: inf pancreaticoduodenal—>1/2 duodenum & pancreas
B: Mid colic–>R 2/3 Transverse colon
C: R colic—->Ascending colon
D: ileocolic [ANT cecal/POST cecal/Appendicular/iLeaL]
—–>Cecum & Appendix
4-[ iLeocolic a. > iLeal branch] anastomoses with end of SMA
5- ALL SMA branches go to R except….
[JejunaL & iLeaL] daughter arteries = GO TO LEFT
1- Which Artery perfuses the HINDgut and where does it come from?
2-Describe its Route of Passage from Parent A. to HINDgut [4]
3-Describe the 3 artery daughter groups from this artery and what they feed
4- Which daughter artery is a DIRECT CONTINUATION of the HINDgut Parent Artery?
5- Marginal artery of Drummond
1-[inf mesenteric artery]= 3rd unpaired branch from ABD AORTA at level L3
a: L colic—> L 1/3 Transverse colon & higher end Descending colon
b: sigmoid a. 2&3 —>Sigmoid colon & lower end Descending colon
4-[SUP rectal ] daughter a. is DIRECT CONTINUATION of [inf mesenteric artery] Parent
5-Marginal a. of Drummond= arterial arcade along colon that interconnects
L colic, [middle colic & R colic (from SMA) ]
- *Portal Vein**
1. Purpose
- Route of Passage & final Location [4]
- This Vein is special because it begins as a ___ and ends as an ____ in the [porta hepatis] by dividing into ___ branches. Describe it’s supply to the Liver
- *Portal Vein**
1. Transmits blood collected from intestinal capillary bed, pancreas, spleen & Gallbladder —–>[Liver sinusoids/2nd capillary bed] ////
- Starts POSTERIORLY at Pancreas Neck as [SMV+splenic vein] union
—>ascends as Vein in free border of lesser omentum
—>enters POSTERIOR [porta hepatis] AS ARTERY
—>terminates inbetween [intestinal capillary bed] & [Liver sinusoid/2nd capillary bed] POSTERIORLY
——————————————————————————— - ºPortal Vein beings as VEIN and ..ends as ARTERY in [porta hepatis] by dividing into 2 branches.
ºGives liver 75% of its blood & 50% of its needed O2
A: The Portal Vein has 5 Daughter venous Tributaries. What are they and what granddaughter veins feed into them? (Or what do they drain into)
B: Which vein receives the HINDgut veins?
- *Portal Vein** daughter venous Tributaries
1. [SUP mesenteric vein/SMV]—>receives veins similar to SMA branches + R gastroomental vein
- Splenic Vein–>receives veins similar to splenic a. + [inf mesenteric vein]/IMV (which receives HINDgut veins)
- R & L gastric veins
- Cystic vein–> drains into R branch
- Paraumbilical veins—> drains into L branch
B: IMV receives HINDgut veins
A: [systemic caval system] consist of the ____ + ____. The_____ system has multiple anastomosis with the [systemic caval system]. What is the purpose of this?
B: Name the 3 Important sites of ___-___ Systemic Anastomoses
A: [systemic caval system] consist of . The PORTAL system has multiple anastomosis with [systemic caval system]. = ALLOWS REROUTING OF VENOUS RETURN TO HEART
B: 3 IMP sites of PORTAL-CAVAL Systemic Anastomoses
1. L gastric vein & esophageal vein of Azygos system
- [SUP rectal vein] & middle/inf rectal veins
- Paraumbilical veins & SEVR[superficial epigastric vein Radicles]
A: Liver Cirrhosis
B: What are 3 clinical manifestations of this dz
A: progressive liver fibrosis, which disrupts portal blood flow—>leads to portal HTN
B: portal HTN will cause:
1. Lower Esophageal varices——>Hematemesis
- [Hemorrhoid Rectal varices]—>rectal bleeding
- Caput medusae —->varicose veins radiating from [Medusa’s head @ umbilicus]
The Jejunum and Ileum receive Sympathetic innervation from Which nerve and at which vertebrae level?
Jejunum & ILeum receive Sympathetic innervation from [Greater Splanchnic n. T5-T9] (via Celiac ganglion)