11-17 FOOT Flashcards
briefly describe the 5 Tarsal Bones of the Foot
- Talus
- Calcaneus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiform
- Talus = 3 part Head ->articulates navicular), neck & Body (Articulates tibia & fibula)
- Calcaneus = transfers weight from talus to ground via [calcanea tuberosity] & creates groove for [peroneus longus tendon] to pass thru
- Navicular= “little boat” that articulates Talus & cuneiforms
- Cuboid= Also creates groove for [peroneus longus tendon]
- Cuneiforms= [medial vs. intermediate vs. lateral]= wedge-shaped bones
1) Each metatarsal bone has phalanx a ____ proximally, ____ and _____ distally. But the 5th “pinky” metatarsal is even more special, how?
2) Explain How the # of Big Toe phalanx differ than other toes?
1) Each metatarsal bone has phalanx which have BASE proximally, SHAFT and HEAD distally.
2) Big Toe ONLY has proximal & distal phalanx
while [Other 4 toes] have proximal, INTERMEDIATE & distal phalanges
B: Cutaneous branches include the following. Describe what each CUTANEOUSLY SENSORY innervates. Then list their Parent Nerve
1. Saphenous n.
2. Sural n.
3. Medial calcaneal.
- Medial Plantar n.
- Lateral Plantar n.
- Superficial fibular n.
- Deep fibular n.
Cutaneous Nerve SENSORY innervation:
1. Saphenous [FEMORAL N.] = —-> medial malleolus & foot
2. SuraL n. [SCIATIC N.]= —> Lateral malleolus & small part of sole
3. Medial calcaneal [TIBIAL N.]–> heel
4. Medial Plantar n.[ TIBIAL]–> sole of foot, MOST Plantar surface
5. Lateral Plantar [TIBIAL N.]–> lateral sole and small part of plantar surface
6. Superficial Fibular n. [FIBULAR N.]–> dorsum of foot
7. DEEP Fibular n. [FIBULAR N.] –> Dorsal surface between 1st & 2nd toes only
1) There are ___ Plantar interossei and __ Dorsal Interossei. These muscle groups are found ULTRA ___[Superficial/DEEP] in the Foot.
2) What is the Purpose of each group?
3) These groups are both innervated by the ______ n.
There are [4 Plantar interossei] and [3 DORSAL interossei] that are both ULTRA DEEEP in the foot!
PADS = Plantar = ADDuctors (pull toes back in)
DAB = DORSAL = ABductor (Pull Toes Outward)
3) ALL Interossei are innervated by [Lateral Plantar n.]
A: ANTERIOR Tibial Artery crosses thru the _____ _____ and changes its name to ____ _____ at the [Ankle talus]
What are the other 5 daughter arteries it gives off?
B: Which of its daughters anastomoses with the plantar arch?
ANTERIOR Tibial Artery crosses INTEROSSEOUS MEMBRANE and changes its name to DORSALIS PEDIS a. at the [Ankle talus].
ºMedial & Lateral tarsal a.
ºDorsal (superficial) arch
ºDorsal metatarsal branch
ºDEEP plantar BRANCH (anastomoses with plantar arch)
ºPerforating branches (anastomoses with plantar arch)
A: POSTERIOR Tibial Artery remains in the back but divides distal to ____ ___ into the MEDIAL PLANTAR a. and LATERAL PLANTAR a.
B: Explain the entire Route of Passage for Lateral Plantar a. [3]
C: Where does the [plantar metatarsal branches] and [Proper plantar digital arteries] come from?
A: [POSTERIOR Tibial Artery] remains in the back but eventually travels behind MEDIAL MALLEOLUS & distal from that point divide into the..
*MEDIAL PLANTAR arteries (courses medially toward hallucis)
- **LATERAL PLANTAR arteries (courses laterally & forms [Plantar DEEP Arch]
- Receives perforating branches from dorsalis pedis / Plantar metatarsal branches / Plantar digital branches
1st. trvels laterally across foot, deep to [plantar aponeurosis] to reach 5th metatarsal
2nd. then arches medially (PLANTAR ARCH) toward 1st metatarsal
3rd. ..and then dives Deep to join up with [Dorsalis pedis Artery]
C: [LATERAL PLANTAR a.]—>[plantar metatarsal branches]—–>Proper plantar digital a.
A: The Popliteal Fossa is a ___ shaped space behind the ___ that is bound by what 4 groups?
B: [Superficial —> DEEP ] Name the Contents of the Popliteal Fossa [7]
C: Which of these Contents Divides into 2 branches as it leaves the Fossa? Describe where those daughters go?
A: Popliteal Fossa is a DIAMOND shaped space behind the KNEE. Bound by [Biceps femoris] / Semimembranosus / [BOTH Gastrocnemius] / Plantaris
B: Small saphenous vein [Tibial & common Fibular n.] Popliteal V POpliteal Artery Obturator n.>articular branch lymph nodes/fat Actual KNEE JOINT VN VAN LK
C: [Common Fibular n.] Divides into 2 branches as it leaves Popliteal Fossa = Deep Fibular + Superficial Fibular
ºDeep Fib—> Enters ANT leg
ºSuperficial Fib—–> enters Lateral Leg
1) The Popliteal Artery (found in the ____ fossa) is a continuation of the ____ Artery. It gives off ___ arteries around the knee which act as ___ branches.
2) After all of this..What does the Popliteal Artery do as it’s exiting the fossa?
1) Popliteal ARTERY (found in POPLITEAL FOSSA) is a continuation of the FEMORAL Artery. Popliteal ARTERY gives off “GENICULAR arteries around the knee which act as Collateral branches.
2) Popliteal ARTERY branches out into [ANT Tibial a. ] and [POST Tibial a. ] when it’s exiting the fossa
A: What are the 3 Superficial muscles of the POST Leg?? Briefly Describe each
B: What nerve are these all innervated by?
1- Gastrocnemius = 2 headed “strength muscle” that works to flex leg & plantar flex foot. Works best with full leg extension
2- Plantaris = “FRESHMAN NERVE” because its tendon looks like a nerve lol. Located inbetween Soleus and Gastrocnemius
3- Soleus = “Postural muscle” tht functions ONLY to Plantar flex foot
A)Name & Describe the 4 DEEP muscles of the POST Leg
B) Explain the muscles that pass distal to the medial malleolus
1. Popliteus
2. Tibialis POST
3. Flexor Digitorum Longus
4. Flexor Hallucis Longus
B: [Tom Dick And Nervous Harry] Group =
ºTibialis POST tendon {1st thing you can see}
ºflexor Digitorum Longus tendon
ºtibial NERVE
ºflexor Hallucis longus tendon
»This group all passes over the medial malleolus«
1: Describe Foot [Superior Extensor Retinaculum]
B: Which Muscle inserts onto the 1st toe and what part of the toe does it do this?
B2: What nerve is it innervated by?
2: inferior ER= Y shaped band tht blends with plantar aponeurosis & forms strong loop around peroneus tertius & Extensor Digi Longus
B: [Extensor hallucis brevis] inserts onto the PROXIMAL PHALANX of 1st toe
B2: Innervated by [DEEP Fibular n.]
A: Describe the Flexor Retinaculum
B: Describe the Plantar Aponeurosis
B: Plantar Aponeurosis= longitudinal fibers extending from Calcaneus to toes = that protect deep m. & maintain longitudinal arches
The Muscular Layer of the Foot consist of 4 Layers. Describe what’s in the 1st Layer and its Job [3]
1st Muscular layer of Foot: A F A
•ABductor hallucis = Flexes & ABducts Big Toe
- Flexor Digi brevis= attches to middle phalanx of toes 2-5
- ABductor digiti minimi= Flexes and ABducts pinky toe
The Muscular Layer of the Foot consist of 4 Layers. Describe what’s in the 2nd Layer and its Job [4]
2nd Muscular Layer of Foot: 2M + 2 tendons
a: Quadratus plantae m. = straightens out [Flexor Digi Longus] TENDONS and helps w/flexion
b: Lumbricals = Flex proximal & extend distal phalanx (similar to hand)
- Flexor Digi Longus TENDON
- Flexor Hallcusi Longus TENDON
The Muscular Layer of the Foot consist of 4 Layers. Describe what’s in the 2nd Layer and its Job [3]
ºFLexor hallucis brevis = flexes metatarsal joint of 1st toe
ºADDuctor hallucis= oblique & transverse parts/2 HEADS = ADDucts 1st toe & maintains Transverse arch
ºFLexor digiti minimi brevis= flexes metatarsal joint of 5th toe
The Muscular Layer of the Foot consist of 4 Layers. Describe what’s in the 2nd Layer and its Job [4]
A: PAD = 3 Palmar Interossei–>ADDucts digits toward 2nd toe
B: DABS= 4 DORSAL INTEROSSEI–>ABducts digits toward 2nd toe
1: Peroneus Longus TENDON
Explain how the Tibial nerve divides into the ___ and ____ Plantar nerves [2]
1st: Tibial n. travels BEHIND [medial malleolus]
2nd: then divides BENEATH Adductor hallucis m. into MEDIAL & LATERAL Plantar n.
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
1. Leg Drop (inability to extend leg because RF, Sartorius and Pectineus are lost)
- Wasting of ANT Thigh
- Loss of sensory to ANT thigh & [medial leg/foot]
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
- No Thigh Adduction
- Wasting of medial thigh
- Loss of sensory to upper medial thigh
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
SUP GLUTEAL N. damage:
- Trendelenburg sign = pelvis tilts down on the side Opposite the initial nerve injury
- No sensory loss :-)
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
inferior GLUTEAL NERVE? [3]
inferior GLUTEAL N. damage:
- Wasting of Butt
- Weakness in Thigh Extension
- No sensory loss :-)
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
SCIATIC NERVE? [2] {prior to its division}
- Wasting of ALL hamstrings & Leg/Foot Muscles
- Sensory loss to [back Thigh/Leg], [Lateral Leg] & [Plantar foot]
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
Common Fibular NERVE? [4]
Common Fibular NERVE DAMAGE:
- Lose toe extension
- Lose foot EVERsion
- Sensory loss to lateral leg & foot dorsum
What happens when there is LE Nerve injury to the
Tibial NERVE? [4]
- Loss of Foot & Toe Flexion
- Loss of Foot inversion
- Wasting of Calf & foot muscles
- Sensory loss on sole/plantar surface of foot & toes
Describe the Function of these 4 muscles
- Popliteus [2]
- Tibialis POSTerior [3]
- Flexor Digitorum Longus [3]
- Flexor Hallucis Longus [2]
- Popliteus =
ºFlexes & medially rotates LEG
———————————————————————————– - Tibialis POSTerior=
ºAnkle plantar flexion
º supports [medial longitudinal arch a.] as the arch passes under tarsal bones
———————————————————————————– - Flexor Digitorum Longus
ºFlexes Digits 2-5
ºCrosses ABOVE [Tibialis POST tendon] @ medial malleolus
ºCrosses ABOVE [Flexor hallucis longus tendon] @ Foot
———————————————————————————– - Flexor Hallucis Longus
ºINVERTS FOOT AND Plantar Flexion
ºPOWERFUL FLEXION TO 1st toe during walking(push off)